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Tryptamine and Indole References

 "Biochemistry and Pharmcology of Tryptamines and B-Carbolines"
   Dennis McKenna, J Psych Drugs 16, 347 (1984)
 "Tryptamine and Related Compounds in Plants"
   Terrence Smith, Phytochem., 16, 171 (1977)
 "Psilocybin und Psilocin..."
   Hofmann et al, HCA 42, 1557 (1959)

 "Abwandlungsprodukte von Psilocybin und Psilocin"
   F Troxler, F Seeman, A Hofmann, HCA 42, 2073 (1959); CA 54:18471f 
 "SAR of Analogs of 5-MeO-N,N-DMT, Psilocin, etc..."
   PK Gessner, P D Godse, Life Sci, 7, 267 (1968)
 "Serotonin Receptor Binding Affinity of Tryptamine Analogues"
   Richard Glennon, JMC, 22, 428 (1979)
 "SAR in Potentially Hallucinogenic N,N-Dialkyltryptamines..."
   Toni B Kline, F Benington, JMC, 25, 908 (1982)
 (Tryptamine from Tryptophan)
  Barton et al, JCS 3992 (1965)
 "Studies in the Indole Series. I. Indolalklyamines"
  B Heath-Brown, PG Philpott, JCS 7165 (1965)

Synthese de Nouvelles Tryptamines Substituees
  R Stauffer, HCA 49, 1199 (1966)

  Robert Bucourt et al, US 2,920,080 (1960); CA 54:13018
 "Indole Derivatives"
   HJ Enenkel et al, US 3,104,241 (1963)
 "Psychotomimetic N-Me,N-iPr-Tryptamines. Effects of Aryloxy Substitution"
   David Repke, A Shulgin, JMC, 28, 892 (1985)

 "Synthesis of Some Secondary Methylalkylamines"
  D Repke, Tet Lett 4183 (1979)
 "Process for the Preparation of Hydroxylated Indole Derivatives"
  A Hofmann, F Troxler, Swiss 375,712 (1964)
                                                                             "Psilocin Analogues III. Synthesis of 5-Methoxy- and 5-hydroxy-1,2,3,4-
  D Repke, WJ Ferguson, J Het Chem 19, 845 (1982)
 "II. Synthesis of 3-[2-(Dialkylamino)ethyl]-, 3-[2-(N-Methyl-N-alkylamino)
ethyl]-, and 3-[2-(Cycloalkylamino0ethyl]indol-4-ols"
 eidem, ibid, 18, 175 (1981) 

 "I. Synthesis of 3-[2-(Dialkylamino)ethyl]- and 3-[2-(Cycloalkylamino)ethyl]-
  eidem, ibid, 14, 71 (1977)

 "Nitro Olefination of Indoles and Some Substituted Benzenes with 
  G. Bu(e)chi, JOC 42, 1784 (1977)   

  A Hofmann, F Troxler, Swiss 421,960 (1967); CA 68:95680n

  Bourdais et al Ger Offen 2,033,668 (1971); CA74: 87824w 
 "Synthesis and Characterization of 5H-1,3-Dioxolo[4,5-f]indoleethylamines"
  DB Grotjahn, J Het Chem 20, 1031 (1983) 
 "SAR for Hallucinogenic Dialkyltryptamines" [Methylenedioxy and Methylthio]
   T Kline, F Benington, JMC, 25, 1381 (1982)
 "DIPT and 5-MeO-DIPT"
   A Shulgin, Comm in Psychopharm, 4, 363 (1980)
             [alpha-methyl tryptamine]

 "Effects in Normal Man of AMT and AET"
   Henry Murphree, Clin Pharm Ther, 2(6), 722
 [alpha-Alkyl Tryptamines and Tryptophans]
  Heinzelman, et al, JOC 23, 1548 (1960) 
 [patent for AET]
  Brit. 933,786 (1963) 
 "Alkaloids of B. caapi and P. amazonica"
   Hochstein, JACS, 89, 5735 (1957)
  Szara, Experientia, 12, 441 (1956)
 "Indoles from Macuna pruriens"
   SK Bhattacharya, Ind J Physiol, 25, 53 (1971)
Reactions electrophiles en serie indolique
  M Julia, et al, BSCF 2046 (1973)
 [5,6,7-TNDT and 4,5,6-TNDT in Rat]
   I Nir, Psychophramacologia, 39, 323 (1974)
   E Hardeggar, H Corrodi, Pharm Acta Helv 39, 401 (1964)
   Carlsson, Helv Chim Acta, 46, 1231 (1963) (Ger); CA
 "Acute and Chronic Effect of 5-MeO-DMT on a Primate Social Colony"
   WJ Heinze, Biol Psychiat, 15(6), 829 (1980)

 "Improved Synthesis of the Sulfur Analogue of Serotonin"
  E Campaine, A Dinner, JPS 58, 892 (1969)

 "Sulfur Analogues of B-Carbolines"
  W Herz, JACS 72, 4999 (1950)

 "B-Aminoalkylthianaphthene and B-Aminoalkylbenzofuran Derivatives"
  SK&F Brit 855,115 (1960); CA 55:12423c

 "Amides of B-(3-thianaphthenyl)ethylamines"
  JT Suh, US 3,528,994 (1970); CA 74:87817w  
 "The Synthesis of O-Methylnordehydrobufotenine, a New Psychoactive Indole"
  FGH Lee, et al JMC 12, 321 (1969)  
 "Chemistry of Aminochromes. II"
   RA Heacock, Can J Chem 36, 1550 (1958)
 "Chemistry of Aminochromes. I"
   ibid., 853
 "Betaine Hydrazones of Aminochromes" 
   Harry Sobotken, JACS, 73, 3077 (1951)
 "Adrenochrome as a Psychotomimetic Agent"
   RA Heacock, Chim Ther, (4), 302 (1971)
Ueber die absolute Konfiguration der Lysergsaeure
   HG Leemann, S Fabbri, HCA 42, 2698 (1959)

 "Synthesis of Amides of Lysergic Acid"
   WL Garbrecht, JOC 24, 368 (1958)   
 "Psychoactive Properties of Mitragynine"
   Karl Jansen, J Psych Drugs 20(4), 455 (1988)
 "Totalsynthese des (+,-)-Chanoclavin"
   Hans Pleininger, Tet Lett 22-23, 1827 (1975)
 "Total Synthesis of (+,-)-Chanoclavine and (+,-)-Dihydrosetoclavine"
   Mitsuka Natsume, Heterocycles 16(3), 375 (1981)
 "10-MeO-6,7-dihydro-12H-indolo[2,3-a]pyridocholinium Halide..."
   CA 64:11212c
 "Neuropharmacological Studies on Ibogaine..."
   JA Snyder, Annal NY Acad Sci ???
 "Indoles from 2-Methyl Nitrobenzenes..."
   Org Syn ???

  S Ordzhonikidze, Fr M 5,142 (1967); CA 72:66812j

 "Indoles from Phenylhydrazones"
  NN Suorov et al, Brit 1,174,034 (1969); CA 72:66814m
 "Indole from Formyl-toluidine"
  A Galat, HL Friedman, JACS 70, 1280 (1948)

  FT Tyson, Org Syn III, 479

  PN James, HR Snyder, Org Syn col vol. ?? 539

 "3-Indolylacetaldehyde and 3-Indolylacetone"
  JB Brown et al, JCS 3172 (1952)