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Table 2   Patterns of ecstasy and cannabis use in the two user groups (n=28 in each group)

Patterns of use
Ecstasy users                                  
Cannabis users*
Ecstasy use
Cannabis use
Cannabis use
Regular/sporadic/no use 26/2/0 22/1/5 23/2/3
Estimated total dose 93.4 (119.9) tablets [range 20-500]  ---  ---
Average frequency of use (days per month) 2.4 (1.6)
[range 0.75-8]
20.7 (11.5) 20.95 (10.2)
Average estimated daily or one night dose 1.4 (0.9) tablets
[range 0.5-3.5]
650 (635) mg daily 724 (608) mg daily
Duration of regular use in regular users 27 (18) months
[range 6-60]
66.6 (37) months 35.1 (24) months
Age at onset of use 19.4 (3.3) y
[range 14-27]
16.6 (2.9) y 17.1 (2.4) y
Time since last dose 41 (71.1) days
[range 7 days-1 y,
median 23 days]
4.3 (5.3) days
[median 2 days]
4.0 (15.5) days
[median 1 day]
THC-Screen in urine sample on study day  --- 17 positive/11 negative 20 positive/8 negative

* Cannabis users=persons who were matched for cannabis use with the ecstasy users. Values in () are SD.