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New, Vintage, and Signed Blotter Art
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by Erowid
Archived Images #
Methamphetamine - Crystals / Powder #
About a gram of methamphetamine crystals and powder. [Midwest USA]
Photo by w4s. © 2016
Three large methamphetamine crystals sitting on a desk. [CA, USA]
Photo by Barbadison. © 2011
.01 bag of "glass" methamphetamine. [SW USA]
Photo by Mambo. © 2011
Color photo of Methamphetamine crystals. Note the small drops of water forming due to the hygroscopic nature of the material.
Photo by Erowid. © 2001
Methamphetamine hydrochloride crystals/shards after recrystallization from water. [Germany]
Photo by Nootropic. © 2014
Color photo of Methamphetamine crystals. [Southeast USA]
Photo by Payin2Much. © 2002
Methamphetamine HCl, 99.9% pure. [Southwest USA]
Photo by Tramp. © 2014
High quality methamphetamine crystals. [Canada]
Photo by Jay. © 2007
A small vial of methamphetamine with injection hardware. [CA, USA]
Photo by Daxed. © 2009
Three shards of high-quality crystal methamphetamine "glass" on top on an iPhone. [California, USA]
Photo by JD. © 2012
Color photo of Methamphetamine crystals. [Southeast USA]
Photo by Payin2Much. © 2002
About .5 grams of crystal Methamphetamine. [CA, USA]
Photo by Kisps. © 2007
Methamphetamine in shards, shake, and crushed crystal. [MN, USA]
Photo by OxydMethasota. © 2014
Color photo of a small bag of "glass" grade Methamphetamine crystals.
Photo by Slut. © 2001
Color photo of a small baggie of Methamphetamine crystals.
Image by Speed Freak. © 2001
Color photo of 15 different pharmaceutical amphetamine and stimulant dose forms.
Public domain photo from Indiana University
High quality meth formations after recrystallizing inside a glass meth pipe. Back lit and shot with an LG Stylo with affixed macro lens. No image editing or enhancement used. [Stockton, California]
Photo by DoinTooMuch. © 2017
High quality meth formations after recrystallizing inside a glass meth pipe. Back lit and shot with an LG Stylo with affixed macro lens. No image editing or enhancement used. [Stockton, California]
Photo by DoinTooMuch. © 2017
High quality meth formations after recrystallizing inside a glass meth pipe. Back lit and shot with an LG Stylo with affixed macro lens. No image editing or enhancement used. [Stockton, California]
Photo by DoinTooMuch. © 2017
A small plastic bag containing a little under 1 gram of methamphetamine crystals and powder. [Usa]
Photo by anonymous. © 2017
Several Shards weighing 1/8 of an ounce (3.5 grams) of high quality methamphetamine on a digital scale [East coast USA]
Photo by Shard_Life. © 2018
Methamphetamine - Tablets #
Pharmaceutical Methamphetamine HCl Tablets [NY, USA]
Photo by Anonymous. © 2015
Color photo of a Desoxyn brand Methamphetamine Tablets sold by Abbott labs. (Buenos Aries, Argentina)
Photo by Juansi-Murmy. © 2001
Color photo of Desoxyn brand Meth tablets next to a quarter for size comparison. (U.S., 2002).
Photo by Anonymous Photographer. © 2002
"Yaba" tablets common on the black market in SE Asia, containing methamphetamine and caffeine and bearing the imprint "WY". [Myanmar]
Photo by Anonymous. © 2009
Color photo of a small bag of Methamphetamine Tablets sold on the street as "Yaba" in SE Asia. (Bangkok, Thailand)
Photo by Yaba-Smoker. © 2002
WY tablets likely containing methamphetamine or amphetamine being sold out of South East Asia. Called colorless "WY" tablets from Myanmar, the tablets are flavored and scented. These tablets were acquired in Yangon, Myanmar. [Myanmar]
Photo by X. © 2014
Molecules #
Still 2D image of the Methamphetamine molecule.
Image by Erowid. © 2001
Still 3D image of the Methamphetamine molecule.
Image by Erowid. © 2000
Rotating 3D image of the Methamphetamine molecule.
Image by Erowid. © 2000
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.