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by Erowid
Caution :   Reactions and experiences may vary dramatically from person to person. [see below]
Methoxetamine Duration
Sublingual / Buccal
( tentative )
Total Duration
3.0 - 5.0 hrs
10 - 20 mins
Coming Up
15 - 30 mins
60 - 120 mins
Coming Down
60 - 120 mins
After Effects
2 - 48 hours
Hangover / Day After
- - -
Methoxetamine Duration
( tentative )
Total Duration
2.5 - 4.0 hrs
10 - 20 mins
Coming Up
15 - 30 mins
60 - 120 mins
Coming Down
60 - 120 mins
After Effects
2 - 48 hours
Hangover / Day After
- - -
Methoxetamine Duration
Intramuscular (IM)
( tentative )
Total Duration
2.0 - 3.0 hrs
2 - 10 mins
Coming Up
10 - 20 mins
40 - 90 mins
Coming Down
30 - 120 mins
After Effects
2 - 48 hours
Hangover / Day After
- - -
  • "kinda like K, but different"
  • euphoria, mood lift
  • Sense of calm and serenity
  • Vivid recall of past memories and dreams
  • Distortion or loss of sensory perceptions (common)
  • Closed- and open-eye visuals (common)
  • Dissociation of mind from body
  • Sweating
  • Analgesia, numbness
  • Significant change in perception of time
  • Increase in heart rate
  • Confusion, disorientation
  • Out-of-body experience
  • Shifts in perception of reality
  • Short attention span
    (likelihood of negative side effects increases with higher doses)
  • Risk of psychological dependency
  • Nasal discomfort upon insufflation
  • Blacking out and forgetting one has taken a drug
  • Discomfort, pain or numbness at injection site (with IM)
  • Severe confusion, disorganised thinking
  • Vertigo, spinning sensation
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Frightening or untimely distortion or loss of sensory perception
  • Susceptibility to accidents (from uncoordination and change in perception of body and time)
  • Severe dissociation, depersonalisation
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Depression of heart rate and respiration (risk increases with increased dose or when combined with depressants)
General Effects Notes
The effects of methoxetamine are usually compared to ketamine or tiletamine, but there are too few experience reports with reliably sourced material to say much with confidence. Only a few reports of individuals taking a single measured dose of verified methoxetamine by itself are available.

Addiction and Compulsive Use
It is not yet known how addictive or likely methoxetamine is to cause compulsive use. Many reports describe it as "more-ish", indicating it might induce compulsive re-dosing in some users. Because its use is so new and uncommon, no definitive statements about it can yet be made.

[50 mg insufflated, repeated] "[...] over the next hour I started drifting a bit, some mild dissociation, kinda like K but different, warm opiate effects becoming quite pronounced. [...] A lot like K but really quite different at the same time. [...] At some point after that second line, the Mrs decided (knowing what I'm like) to hide the rest of the bag from me so I didn't keep sniffing it, which for what its worth was a good call on her part but did mean that I spent most of the next hour looking for it and repeatedly asking her where it was and if it was safe." -- Exp 88687
[insufflated, repeated] "After about 15 minutes or so, I felt incredibly warm, fuzzy, and somewhat disconnected from my body. I had never done dissociatives except for DXM, so for me this was a new feeling. I laid in my bed relaxing and listening to ambient music, watching images in my head of early Sociologial Theorists doing comical acts. As the initial rush/experience wore off, I noticed I could walk around my room but I was robot-like. All my actions were first calculated and thought of in my head, and no unnecessary actions were made. I thought that this must be what it is like to be an android. My field of vision was very bright, and intense, the colors were very vibrant and it was hard to focus on any one thing. Its what I eventually started to call MXE Vision." -- Exp 89488
[10mg + 40mg insufflated] "During peak, I was not able to think clearly, an effect similar to a lot of alcohol or Kratom. Body felt light, but not comfortable. [...] Thoughts were disintegrated, I lost sense of space and laid down on the floor, waiting for it to happen. I listened to music (I tried to play, which was very difficult), but I did not find it enjoyable or interesting at all. [...] To me, it was much different than Ketamine, sort of pushing all the buttons, having something from opiates, from ket and from alcohol, which is something I do not prefer. I like clear mind that allows me to explore, not a state where I can hardly enjoy hallucinations and take something from it. For me, it was just wasted time. Not enjoyable, though not 'bad' per-se. I did not feel depressed, sad or very nauseated. Just in a place not rewarding in any way." -- Exp 90235
[26mg + 16mg insufflated] "The time was at about 2.30 at this point and I was becoming aware that I was entering into a distinctly psychedelic, hallucinogenic experience." -- Exp 89972
[repeated, insufflated] "This stuff isn't like ketamine in the sense that, with ketamine, I can return to near normality within half hour to an hour. I was ruined for about 24 hours. I had extremely intense closed eye visuals for the whole time, was unable to sleep for the best part of 2 days. Walking was possible but after lying down for a while my balance was destroyed. Speech still slurred. A complete lack of understand of words/numbers/equations etc. anything that was remotely lingual was virtually impossibly to comprehend. " -- Exp 90919
Erowid's effects information is a summary of data gathered from users, research, and other resources. This information is intended to describe the range of effects people report experiencing. Effects may vary dramatically from one person to another or one experience to another based on a variety of factors such as body chemistry, age, gender, physical health, dose, form of material, etc.