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by Erowid
Archived Images #
Opium #
Color photo of a dark brown 3 gram lump of opium, soft at room temperature. Fingerprints visible from handling.
Photo by Anonymous Photographer. © 2001
Color photo of a dark colored lump of opium.
Photo ©, used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of chunk of black tar opium.
Photo by Anonymous Photographer. © 2000
2 pics of opium drying: the first fresh, the second 6 hours later. [Romania]
Photo by Dudi. © 2007
"Red Rock" Opium #
Material sold as "Red Rock Opium" has been tested and found to contain no is quite likely that it is Dragon's Blood Incense, being marketed as opium. See Opium Myth # 1 for more info.
Side by side comparison of material sold as 'Red Rock Opium' and Dragon's Blood Incense.
Photo by Erowid. © 2000
Color photo comparing a small pile of ground material which was sold as 'Red Rock Opium', with a small pile of ground Dragon's Blood Incense.
Photo by Erowid. © 2000
Color photo of a chunk of 'red rock opium'.
Photo by Anonymous Photographer. © 2000
Color photo of a chunk of 'red rock' opium.
Photo by Anonymous Photographer. © 2000
Close-up color photo of a chunk of Dragon's Blood Incense.
Photo by Erowid. © 2000
Color photo of a packet of Dragon's Blood Incense along with several chunks of the incense, some polished, some not.
Photo by Erowid. © 2000
"White Rock Opium" #
White material sold as "white rock opium" IS NOT OPIUM. Opium is black or brown (see above). The material Erowid has seen looks like some kind of tree sap, like copal incense, but we have no confirmation at all what this material actually is. Other material sold as "white rock opium" could possibly contain heroin or a pharmaceutical opiate, but again, we have no verification that this is the case.
Color photo of about 3 ounces of "cut white rock opium".
Photo by Speedracer. © 2000
Miscellaneous #
A small corked laudanum bottle from Spain labelled "Laudano". [Spain]
Photo by Psilocybe. © 2013
Men are more common opium smokers than women. A guide identified this woman as smoking opium, though pipes of this sort are also used to smoke tobacco.
Photo by John W. Allen.
Photo by John W. Allen.
Vintage incense from the 1970s that was sold in headshops as opium. Saved from 1970s, photo taken in 2013.
Photo by RevMeO. © 2015
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.