Omnicentricity means that the center is everywhere. Astrophysicists have determined recently that no matter where one observes, everything appears to be expanding away from that point of observation, which completely destroys the old notion of ourselves floating around in a three dimensional space originating from a single big bang. From the smallest atom to the largest galaxy exists pure potential for forms to arise from the implicate chaos and return again into the void. Through the sacred geometric grid, everything in the universe is connected from the realms of biology, chemistry, archetecture, symbology, sound, color, calendrics, and beyond. Awareness of this interconnectedness and interdependence is the most important and crucial key to the harmonic unfoldment of our planet and society.
Omnicentricity means that the center is everywhere. Astrophysicists have determined recently that no matter where one observes, everything appears to be expanding away from that point of observation, which completely destroys the old notion of ourselves floating around in a three dimensional space originating from a single big bang. From the smallest atom to the largest galaxy exists pure potential for forms to arise from the implicate chaos and return again into the void. Through the sacred geometric grid, everything in the universe is connected from the realms of biology, chemistry, archetecture, symbology, sound, color, calendrics, and beyond. Awareness of this interconnectedness and interdependence is the most important and crucial key to the harmonic unfoldment of our planet and society.