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All reports with author name including '___'
(2610 Total)

[1 - 100 of 2610]
Very Highly Recommended Perplexing Somethingness Xorkoth DOET & Nitrous Oxide 2016 Jan 09
Very Highly Recommended First Low-Dose Trial and Observations Xorkoth DOPr 2015 Oct 09
Very Highly Recommended Heads & Tails Nog Nitrous Oxide 2015 Jul 30
Very Highly Recommended A Backward-Resonating Experience bug 2C-I 2006 May 16
Very Highly Recommended The End of the Rabbit Hole - Beauty and Terror Xorkoth 2C-E, Cannabis, Choline, DMAE, Kratom & Piracetam 2005 Dec 23
Very Highly Recommended The Moment VapourBoy Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2004 Sep 10
Very Highly Recommended Eye Of The Storm Matt Himself 2C-T-7 2003 Oct 26
Very Highly Recommended Holy Cow, Aliens, Soul Marriage, and Divinity Mitra Huasca Brew (B. caapi & M. tenuiflora) 2002 Dec 05
Very Highly Recommended The Continuum Hypothesis 77k Aleph-2 2002 May 26
Highly Recommended Pain Poultice Dan Ayahuasca 2018 Jan 30
Highly Recommended Myself Then Love Then God Ben Mushrooms - P. tampanensis 2016 Nov 08
Highly Recommended Into The Flood Xorkoth Ibogaine & Tabernanthe iboga (Total Aklaloid Extract) 2014 Jun 05
Highly Recommended Love, Light, and Mushrooms NaggyJ Mushrooms 2012 Oct 17
Highly Recommended All the Way to Creation and Back... Aya Ayahuasca 2012 Oct 11
Highly Recommended After the Initial Tsunami Wave Murple BDB, Methylone & DPT 2012 Jan 26
Highly Recommended A Journey Inside My Own Subconscious EMc Ketamine 2011 Nov 27
Highly Recommended The Reality from Behind Closed Eyelids Mount Analogue Melatonin 2011 Nov 19
Highly Recommended Horrible Night Eye-Opening Ending DGK Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('K2') 2011 Jun 03
Highly Recommended The End of the Universe Rlc Salvia divinorum (35x extract) 2011 Mar 15
Highly Recommended Endsearch PLU LSD 2011 Mar 11
Highly Recommended Trapped Behind Dissolving Eyes Bun 4-AcO-DMT 2010 Aug 27
Highly Recommended Beauty's Rebirth Bun MDA? (sold as MDMA) 2009 Dec 15
Highly Recommended Death Changed My Life LucidStudies Mescaline & Cannabis 2009 Oct 07
Highly Recommended Notes on Some Legal Highs - Heart Problems Shruming Human Smoking Blends ('Magic Gold', 'Magic Silver', 'Dream Herbal Incense') & Spice Products ('Spice') 2009 Jun 28
Highly Recommended The Infinite Reality Layers, Ultimate Despair Ben LSD 2009 Jun 04
Highly Recommended Exotic Recreation LucidStudies Cannabinoids - CP 55,940, 2C-B & Cannabis 2008 Sep 22
Highly Recommended Breakthrough on Bicycle Day LucidStudies LSD 2008 Aug 23
Highly Recommended Not Life-Changing, but Cuddly Nox Opium 2008 Jun 21
Highly Recommended Bee and Fly Side by Side LucidStudies 2C-B, 2C-B-Fly & Cannabis 2008 Apr 21
Highly Recommended First Trials with I LucidStudies 2C-I 2007 Nov 27
Highly Recommended Laughter, Tears, Rebirth LucidStudies 4-AcO-DMT 2007 Nov 12
Highly Recommended Death, Responsibility, and the Void Xorkoth Psilocin & 2C-B 2007 Oct 19
Highly Recommended Beautiful Introduction to a New Substitution Xorkoth 4-HO-MET 2007 Jul 31
Highly Recommended Consciousness Undulated Fer Capsicum spp. & Alcohol - Hard 2007 May 23
Highly Recommended On the Good Ship Lollipop Matt Himself Fentanyl (Actiq) 2007 Feb 26
Highly Recommended 3 Trial Dosages and Reactions Xorkoth AET 2006 Dec 16
Highly Recommended Ascending Through the Crossroads of Twilight Xorkoth DOC 2006 Aug 09
Highly Recommended An Amazing Night of Connections Xorkoth 2C-B-Fly, Cocaine & Cannabis 2006 Jul 03
Highly Recommended A Case of Mistaken Identity pharmofile DOI 2006 Jun 29
Highly Recommended Reptilian Collective Consciousness Xorkoth DOC 2006 May 09
Highly Recommended Intense Challenges, Amazing Effects Shruming Human Fasting 2006 May 03
Highly Recommended Interesting Combination with Unique Features Xorkoth 2C-C, 2C-I, & Kratom 2006 Jan 23
Highly Recommended DOC and the Monkeys yaj DOC 2005 Dec 05
Highly Recommended Enter the Lifeforce: Ascent to Enlightenment Xorkoth Mushrooms 2005 Oct 27
Highly Recommended Profoundly Altered Xorkoth 2C-E & Cannabis 2005 Oct 25
Highly Recommended This Is Changing My Life Xorkoth 2C-T-2, Cannabis & Kratom 2005 Oct 15
Highly Recommended Sublingual THC Tincture raybeez Hash (oil) 2005 Jul 07
Highly Recommended Psychedelic Initiation VapourBoy Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Feb 15
Highly Recommended Color Choice Game Mel Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Meditation 2004 Dec 03
Highly Recommended The Horror, The Horror Jamshyd Mushrooms 2004 Dec 01
Highly Recommended A Different Buzz DnS Absinthe 2004 Oct 01
Highly Recommended Brief, Beautiful Bliss iom 2C-C 2004 Jul 14
Highly Recommended Smart Drug Trials raybeez 2C-D 2004 May 18
Highly Recommended 'Everything in Its Right Place' Jamshyd 4-Ho-DiPT 2004 Mar 16
Highly Recommended Am I Alive? Treefingers Mushrooms 2004 Jan 15
Highly Recommended Unique, Interesting Experiences Zak 2C-I & Cannabis 2004 Jan 04
Highly Recommended Electronic Entertainment Matt Himself 2C-T-21 2003 Oct 13
Highly Recommended Learning New Ways of Living SAJ MDMA 2003 Apr 14
Highly Recommended Imminent Death and Enlightenment Way Mushrooms - P. cubenesis 2003 Apr 07
Highly Recommended A New Look At an Old Castoff Torch 5-MeO-DIPT, Moclobemide & Alprazolam 2002 Nov 05
Highly Recommended Opening Of The Mind's Eye Matt Himself 2C-I 2002 Jun 03
Highly Recommended Seemingly Non-Toxic, but Potent Deleriogen 3MX Amanita muscaria 2002 Apr 15
Highly Recommended A Lesson in Civil Engineering 77k 2C-E 2001 Nov 14
Highly Recommended 10 Year Anniversary Murple LSD, DPT & GHB 2001 Aug 30
Highly Recommended Excerpts and Comments jim Syrian Rue 2001 Jun 13
Highly Recommended An Encounter With Teonanacatl Navi Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2001 May 17
Highly Recommended Much More than a 2C-B Analogue 77k 2C-I 2001 May 01
Highly Recommended Preparation & Dosage Frd Morning Glory Seeds 2000 Dec 23
Highly Recommended Damn Powerful Tryptamine Morninggloryseed DPT 2000 Oct 22
Highly Recommended Set The Controls for the Heart of the Man 77k DOM 2000 Oct 05
Highly Recommended A Breakthrough into the Raging Space of History Navi Salvia divinorum 2000 Jun 26
Highly Recommended Wirikuta Calling Leo Peyote 2000 Jun 26
Highly Recommended Singing Stories in the Void Navi Mushrooms 2000 Jun 24
Highly Recommended An Incredible, Irreplaceable Conversation Cope Head MDMA 2000 Jun 22
Highly Recommended Mescalysergic Visions Trey Mescaline & LSD 2000 Jun 21
Highly Recommended The Bad Candyflip Scotto MDMA & LSD 2000 Jun 21
Highly Recommended Otherworldly Bewilderness SFos DMT 2000 Jun 15
Highly Recommended The Elven Antics Annex SFos DMT 2000 Jun 14
Highly Recommended A Remarkable Night Scotto DET, MDMA, Ketamine & 5-MeO-DMT 2000 Jun 14
Highly Recommended Confronted with Myself Scotto Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2000 Jun 12
Highly Recommended A Very Intense Education Scotto Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2000 Jun 12
Highly Recommended A Healing Process Scotto AMT & MDMA 2000 Jun 12
Highly Recommended A Collection of AMT Experiences Scotto AMT 2000 Jun 12
Recommended Falling Down the Spiral Hal DXM 2023 Dec 09
Recommended A New Realm kip DXM, Nitrous & Cannabis (Oil) 2023 Oct 17
Recommended A New Identity Auz Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2023 Feb 17
Recommended A Typical Low/Mid-Dose: Dancing Mindful Zombie SJB Amanitas - A. muscaria 2022 Oct 25
Recommended A New Year's Eve Candy Flipping Tale Mip LSD & MDMA 2022 Jan 26
Recommended Trapped in Two Dimensions Sam Salvia divinorum (5x extract) & Cannabis 2021 Feb 03
Recommended 1st Heroic Dose but Not Transformative Ben Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Alprazolam 2020 Sep 24
Recommended Deeply Personal, Emotional, Positive, Profound JCX LSD 2020 Apr 24
Recommended My Sense of Time Went Out the Window Ben H.B. Woodrose 2019 Dec 19
Recommended There Is No 1P-LSD Pat 1P-LSD 2019 Sep 04
Recommended A Vein of Fire JWM Cacti - T. bridgesii 2019 May 02
Recommended I Was Injected With DMT in the Name of Science Sam DMT 2019 Feb 12
Recommended Becoming Nothing, Crystal Clear Eve Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Sep 11
Recommended The Scary Life of a Cell in an Astral Body dqr Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2018 Jun 08
Recommended Walking Through An Already Opened Door MMX DXM 2018 Jan 23
Recommended Launch Trajectory IAM DMT & Damiana 2017 Oct 26
Recommended Two Ceremonies with Kaxinawa Shamans Sam Ayahuasca, Tobacco, Sananga & Kambo 2017 Apr 17

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