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Pleasant Relaxing Euphoric Sedation
Sceletium tortuosum, Caffeine & Cannabis
Citation:   LoverOfLive. "Pleasant Relaxing Euphoric Sedation: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum, Caffeine & Cannabis (exp100245)". Jun 18, 2020.

T+ 0:00
4 tablets oral Products - Other
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis - Hash
  T+ 1:30   smoked Tobacco
Amazing Kanna

I am a long time (2 yrs) smoker of Cannabis. I have done LSD once on 31st night in Goa. Following is my experience in words which cant do justice to the phenomenological experience that I had.

After a generally confused and depressed day spent with a much older friend discussing a topic which I had in my mind for about a year now, I came home and to my great surprise, got a package delivered of [product name] pills (the one which contains Caffeine anhydrous, Piperine, Kanna). I had read few reviews of them few days ago. People have taken dosages ranging 2 (no noticeable effect), 4 (moderate effect) , 7 (crazy review, visual and auditory hallucinations) etc. So in a hurry and without thinking, I took down three pills initially and then one more at around 8.00 in the night.

Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to do research on the chemicals mentioned. I was just aware of the benign effect (anti-depressant) of Piperine as mentioned in wikipedia. I had taken 400mg of Caffeine Anhydrous. I didn't know anything about Kanna. I had taken about 1.6g. It is said that Kanna should be taken on empty stomach. Basically don't eat anything before six hours and I haven't had anything to eat since the day began. Lucky for me I guess. Also, I read that Kanna goes well with Cannabis. From my side, I added hash to the list. The whole research took about 1 hour roughly. During this time, I realized few things. Colors were brighter, patterns more clear, a bit of disoriented and forgetful. Thankfully, I was alone at home, with my friends eating out. The effects seemed too subtle that I started to think that the pills are placebo.

I made one cigarette joint containing hash, tobacco and weed. Four to five minutes later, I started having a rush through my brain. It was all chaotic. I had read that too much Caffiene can lead to anxiety, restlessness, panic and irregular heart rate . And I thought this is exactly what is happening. I freaked out. I started dialing the nearest hospital's number. Stopped myself. Thought about taking wallet, keys and mobile with me. During this time, I started giving myself positive signals. And the signals started working, I had the rush somewhat under control. I thought of diverting my mind. Maybe going out would help. I didn't give it a much thought and ventured out.

This changed the whole mood. It was a hot and humid night outside. Cool breeze just made it more better. Lights were brighter. I started loosening myself. By this time, I was very balanced. Thought of giving a call to my older friend from afternoon.
The conversation went like this:
Me: 'Do you think I should believe my inner calling even though I am not sure whether it is safe or not?'
Friend : 'I think Yes.' // I said bingo. By 'inner calling' I meant exploring myself through psychoactives.
And the friend suggested me to concentrate on my breath which was amazing. I felt like I should roam around for some time.

I started walking along the road to get a cigarette. I stopped at a paan shop. I lighted a cigarette. The first few drags were awesome. I felt the smoke slowing filling my lungs. I observed smoke going in and coming out. The faint flicker of lighted end slowly moving. By now, I wanted to get back home. Arriving at the door, I started having a mild rush to my head and flurry of thoughts whose general theme
was that I shouldn't introduce a change in my setting. Since outside experience was pleasant, I shouldn't go into room. The room might be filled with regurgitated old negative thoughts. I figured out that the thoughts were just fear in disguise. I dared myself again.

I came into room. Felt relaxed. By now, I was totally feeling Kanna; the pleasant relaxing euphoric sedation. I listened to music. Talked with friends when they arrived from dinner. I thought of writing this nice first time Kanna + Tobacco Cannabis experience.

Lot of ideas/thoughts went through my head:
Chaos, Fractals, Consciousness observing Consciousness, Good and Evil, Difference between Is and Isn't, Non-dual state of awareness, Having answer to the big question, My existence, My mixture of 'Sanity, Insanity and Unsanity', Ultimate Meaning of Life, Reality Distortion Field, Recursive fractal-like unfolding of the mentioned thoughts including this very thought itself, Silence, Feelings of Connectedness of/to the whole universe.

Some people mentioned that they had to pee many times. Nothing of that sort happened to me. The only tense part of the trip was the initial head rush and thoughts of irregular heart rate. There were no visual hallucinations. Sounds were generally a bit louder than usual. I had feelings of being hot throughout and kept drinking water regularly.

Finally, I would say Kanna is good. Thank god I discovered about it this way. I will explore this more with one of my close friends.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 18, 2020Views: 1,101
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