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Not for Coping
Xanax & Alcohol
Citation:   glastrow. "Not for Coping: An Experience with Xanax & Alcohol (exp100554)". Apr 12, 2017.

  repeated oral Alcohol
    repeated   Pharms - Alprazolam
Do Not Take Xanax to Cope

I bought 100mg of xanax of SR hearing it was good for the MDMA hangovers.

Two days after acquiring said xanax my lover of three years decided to let me go. Not out of anger merely desperation and intoxication. I decided I would give the xanax a go (with no real prior research).

This was last tuesday. I did not regain consciousness until this morning (friday) in my local hospital surrounded by less that impressed family members who had no recollection of my previous drug use (I make a good effort to keep a clean image). And I highly doubt I'll soon hear the end of their delightful stories of trying to dress their butt naked son and haul his sedated ass up the stairs.

Embarrassing. Don't mix downers and especially don't drink alone after a bad breakup. I love my drugs but there is no replacement for friends.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100554
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 12, 2017Views: 4,357
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Combinations (3), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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