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More Prozacspeed Than Hydrocodone
Citation:   MrMcX. "More Prozacspeed Than Hydrocodone: An Experience with Tramadol (exp100555)". Apr 19, 2021.

25 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
While suffering from an uncomfortable eustachian tube problem, I took 25 mg Tramadol out of desperation. I had read that tramadol is a synthetic opiate-like pain killer, and having taken opiates before and enjoyed them, I expected to have a similar experience with Tramadol.

After about two hours I began to feel some reduction in pain. This fits with what I had read about Tramadol. The quality of the pain relief seemed in some way different from that of hydrocodone. Not worse, but not as sedating and warm.

But what I didn't expect was relief from depression and an increase in overall enthusiasm. It was amazing! I've tried other anti-depressants and nothing worked as quickly and as well as Tramadol. Nothing worked so quickly as Tramadol to improve my mood.

The Tramadol also gave me insomnia. I was a bit wired. I couldn't stop playing 'Walk Like an Egyptian' in my head. I don't think I could handle much more of the drug without experiencing all the unpleasant effects of being overstimulated. And the feeling of being stimulated doesn't create a heightened sense of awareness. I felt more 'on', but not more 'there'. It wasn't a bad sensation, though, and it lasted about four or five hours.

My feeling after taking Tramadol is that it really isn't a substitute for hydrocodone. It's more of an antidepressant/stimulant with the ability to reduce pain. And it's pain reducing ability is limited by the hazards that come with taking too much. It also takes a few hours to work. Patience is required.

That said, it's very nearly perfect for me. I feel very good for hours after taking it and my eustachian tube problem doesn't bother me. I also feel less anxious and I am much more talkative. And I can still work without being put to sleep.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100555
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Apr 19, 2021Views: 3,555
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Medical Use (47), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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