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Aware Of Every Single Particle In My Face
by Biz
Citation:   Biz. "Aware Of Every Single Particle In My Face: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp100583)". Nov 29, 2017.

20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Last summer, I was introduced to a substance called 4-aco-DMT. I had read about it online a lot, and had a few experiences with LSA (hbwr seeds) in the past. My friend, who we'll call A informed me one night in early June that he'd have to repay me with a psychedelic for giving him 25 hbwr seeds. I wasn't wuite sure what he was going to repay me with, but he said it would be either some tryptamine or phenylaline. About a week before my trip, I received a text from A saying he had got his hands on about 150mg of 4-aco- DMT and would let me take 20mg.

Fast forward to the night of the trip.
A went to his bathroom to snort some 2c-p and MXE. About 20 minutes later, He told me to go to the bathroom and on the counter 20mg of 4-aco-DMT fumarate awaited me on the counter. I could barely think I was so excited. I'd never done a psychedelic drug other than LSA. What would it be like? Would I have an enlightening experience? Could I handle this?

I went to the bathroom, and sure enough, there was a little piece of tin foil with a small amount of brown clumpy powder awaited me. It looked like a little piece of shiny dirt. I decided I had contemplated what my trip would be like long enough, and I ate the drug. The fumarate is a sticky substance, so I had to scrape it off the foil with my teeth and lick the foil afterwards to make sure I had got it all in my system.

The taste was terrible. It tasted like... Well, chemicals. I gagged and took a huge swig of some water to wash down the awful metallic chemical flavor. The night had begun.

00:05 - Not feeling very out of the ordinary yet. I walk out to the kitchen to get a glass of green tea, and when I come back I see my A's grandfather lying on the sofa, asleep. I had a strange, subtle feeling that he was far away. Not physically far away, just... Far away. I though to myself 'what a strange feeling' and walked back to the room.

00:10 - A and I are both sitting on his bed looking at our computers. I was just posting a thread on a psychedelic forum site when I noticed my keyboard curving towards the screen very slightly. I looked up and started to tell A what I saw, but when I looked up I saw his wall wobbling slightly. The wobbling kept getting stronger and stronger. Eventually, the wobble turned into a slow and steady 'breathing' while A's shelves and mirror and picture hangings all started to be drawn to the center of his wall.

00:15 - This is about where I lost track of time. A wanted to watch 'fear and loathing in Las Vegas' and I did as well. 5 minutes into the movie I had to tell him to turn it off. Sounds of the movie seemed as if they were under water, and the screen was shimmering all over, and that was too much for me to stay focused on a movie.

I turn to A and in a loud whisper I say 'dude I am tripping fucking nuts'. But it was just getting started. A and I went outside to smoke a cigarette. Walking felt so alien. My legs felt like jelly and I felt so relieved to sit on his porch when we finally got outside. The first thing I noticed when I sat down was that we were sitting in the exact same point in space, out surroundings had simply changed around us. I felt that walking was merely an illusion to make the changing of surroundings more interesting. Now I had been peeing a lot during this trip, because I drank about 6 large glasses of green tea before tripping. We were talking for a while before A brought up how much I had been peeing. I asked if it was the drug, and he responded by simply saying 'green tea makes you pee'. I knew what he meant, but something about the way he said the sentence 'green tea makes you pee' was grammatically incorrect to pronounced wrong. I told him to say that again, and he did. It still sounded wrong... I knew his sentence was worded right, but why did it sound wrong? So just to make sure it was wrong I asked him to repeat his sentence again.... And again, and again, and again... Each time he said 'green tea makes you pee' it sounded wrong in a different way, so I finally decided it was my turn to attempt to say this impossible phrase.

'Green tea makes you pee', I said. It came out perfectly. Nothing was wrong with the phrase. I asked A if he was experiencing the same effect as me of the sentence appearing to be wrong, and he looked at me deeply and nodded, appearing to be startled by that strange loop we went through. I thought it was very interesting that on two different substances, we both experienced the same mental loop at the same time.

After that was over with, I began to meditate. I closed my eyes and a whole new set of eyes opened. While closed, my eyes felt more open than ever. Not only did my eyes open, but my face opened. It didn't split open, I was just becoming aware of every single particle that made up my entire face, and it made my cheeks feel huge, but empty. They felt as if there were universes inside of them. I'm not sure how to describe what I felt at this point but the best I can say is that my face stopped existing and I was left with a cold universe full of galaxies and solar systems.

My eyes were still closed, but I had forgotten that. I saw my hands raising towards the sky. My right hand was reaching for the stars above my head and my left was at about a 45 degree angle to my right. Then I remembered my eyes were closed. I opened my eyes in reality and saw that my hands were still in my lap. I closed my eyes again and noticed my hands weren't going up in the air this time, but when I opened them again I saw my arms outstretched in the same exact way that they were when my eyes were closed, and it was real. Did I just predict the future by closing my eyes?

I looked at the night sky, and the stars became red and eventually started to float all around me like red fireflies. I looked up at A's sattelite dish and ask him if it's a spaceship. He says no, it's just a sattelite dish. I respond by saying 'oh, I thought that it was an actual sattelite'. After that short conversation I realized how in tune I was with A. We were having a beautiful experience together, and I felt like there was no limit to the amount of trust love and peace were between us.

Well, about half an hour of sitting outside, we walked back to A's room. When we say on his bed I became aware again of the illusion of walking, and realized that our surroundings had merely changed again. A then introduced me to a brilliant psychedelic artist called Shpongle. The bass in the songs began to formulate into words of an ancient tribal language, and it was speaking to me. I understood everything, but I don't remember what it was saying.

The last real notable part of the trip was when I looked into A's water glass and noticed that it seemed infinitely deep. The glass was a tunnel of infinity, and the bubbles in the water were representative of planets and architectural structures that were all a part of this fourth dimensional blueprint that was a cup of water.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 100583
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 29, 2017Views: 1,186
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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