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My Trip to Death and Back
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   Laura. "My Trip to Death and Back: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp100745)". May 20, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked DMT
DMT Into Death: My DMT Trip to Death and Back

My two friends and I decided to go for a drive to a pretty secret dock on the river after I bought some DMT from a kid I knew pretty well. He said it was a really good batch so I couldn’t wait to try it out after we met up with him. I had done DMT before but I never had an out of body experience, I only had mild visuals/ and a really intense body high.

I was with the same friend I had done it with for the first time and the time after that so I knew everything would be okay with her. As we parked down a long street of nothing but trees and the river we started to pull GB’S (gravity bong) of some bud. After we were pretty high we then packed the DMT on top the weed. Since I am a pretty anxious person I had to take it first… I packed a fat bowl of dmt and weed and pulled the gb.

Everything was pretty “normal” at first.
Everything was pretty “normal” at first.
The trees stared to transform and morph into grandpa looking figures, and were morphing into owls and all the moss hanging down started to look really vivid and real like it was coming straight at me! Within like three minutes I decided this wasn’t enough for me so after my friend took me I put the rest of the capsule in the gb cap on top of some weed. (My other friend in the backseat didn’t want to do it because she was too scared) so at least we had one sober person haha.

Then I made my mistake, as I took my second gb of it, which I pulled so fat the smoke turned for white to yellow. I held in the smoke after I took without letting it out then pulled the rest of the bowl. I should have not held in the smoke cause as soon as I let it out I felt the biggest rush take over my body. My body felt like a space ship about to launch off! Everything around me got really loud and the louder it got the more reality started to disappear. Suddenly nothing around me was there anymore my friend wasn’t in the seat next to me, hell there was no seat! I saw no car no dock no street or anything. Everything was pitch black. Later my friend told me I had crawled out the window screaming that I was trapped. But my eyes were closed the whole time after I realized how dark everything had become.

I remember seeing the most intense visuals of my worst fears. I am absolutely terrified of clowns. And I saw giant I mean like skyscraper tall clowns bouncing up and down on huge rainbow colored balls taunting me and laughing in my face. Somehow I didn’t know at the time but I was outside of my car cause my feet felt like they were sinking and my whole body felt like I was being sucked into quicksand. It was really just the mud by the river but I really thought I was being pulled down into the earth. When I looked down I could see blood pouring out between my legs and out of every part of my body. Okay next part didn’t really happen but this is what I was seeing; just want to be clear it never happened. But anyways. I was yelling out I'm bleeding I'm bleeding why am I bleeding what is happening and then suddenly red lights came flashing and all these figures with masks on (could never see there faces) were putting me on a stretcher into an ambulance, then all the sudden I was laying in my actual room at my house crying to my parents telling them I’m sorry for doing drugs and telling them I'm stuck tripping forever begging them to just kill me cause I was always going to be tripping. Next, we were at a hospital but it wasn’t a normal hospital I had the weirdest feeling that someone was controlling my body and mind I know for a fact something else, I don’t know what, but it was in control of my body. Because in the hospital I became to follow a dark cloaked figure walking me down a pitch-black hallway. The hallway looked as if it went on forever!!

And I felt like I was moving so slow… even though I knew I was scared I couldn’t help but just stare at this figure and wonder where it was leading me... then the hallway started having doors and millions of them. Even though the doors were closed I could see through them…there were thousand of the cloaked figures typing on massive type writers … they weren’t looking at me but they knew I was there. I don’t know how to explain it but they just knew…I could sense it. Then papers from the typewriters began falling in front of my face and flying rapidly around the room. The papers were spinning so fast but I could read everything on them. The figures were writing about me!!! It had my birthday on there my name and my date of death. My heart started to beat so fast cause I still couldn’t see anything around me so I thought I was really about to die.
My heart started to beat so fast cause I still couldn’t see anything around me so I thought I was really about to die.
This whole thing felt like it was years long in reality it was only about 25 minutes but I could have sworn every minute felt like a year. Anyways, as I am still in this hallway I see a door with light shining through…I knew I shouldn’t go in but it was drawing me closer and closer. When I was about a foot away a figure turned on a light switched and put his finger to his mouth saying “shhhh” like I wasn’t ready or supposed to see what was behind there yet. Then I could hear the monitors of the hospital flat line and I was out of my body staring at myself lying dead bleeding out my legs from the hospital bed!

It was the scariest/most interesting thing I have ever experienced. To this day I still wonder what it was supposed to mean. I think they were trying to tell me I am not ready to die anytime soon or maybe they were showing me how I would die in the future. I don’t know but I was so freaked out. I finally started to come to reality staring at my friends in confusion. I had never been so confused in my whole life. I couldn’t think. Literally, I didn’t know what anything was I kept asking what’s a car? What are you? What am I? I had so many questions like I had been brainwashed. My friend told me that I really was looking at legs and wiping them like I was bleeding! She said I had hit her in face and threw all our shoes and weed out of the car window… I don’t remember doing any of these things. It was definitely the most craziest and strangest feeling of my life. But for some reason I wasn’t that scared. I was more amazed of how powerful DMT was. I believe that something more powerful and stronger than what we see in in control of our minds.

I have yet to do DMT again but not because I don’t want to I just simply haven’t come into contact with anyone that makes it anymore because a lot of people around me got busted. I really want to learn more about it and what was behind that last door I never got through. Was it heaven? Was it a whole other world? I am kind of nervous yet willing to have another out of body experience. I know I can’t do this on acid or shrooms because I don’t want to take too much and a have a bad trip since that last way longer than DMT. Bottom line there is way more to our minds than people think!

The whole thing felt so real.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 100745
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: May 20, 2019Views: 849
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