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I Believe This Is What MDA Must Feel Like
5-APB & 6-APB
Citation:   user20. "I Believe This Is What MDA Must Feel Like: An Experience with 5-APB & 6-APB (exp100752)". Oct 15, 2015.

T+ 0:00
  tablets oral 5-APB
  T+ 0:00     6-APB
  T+ 3:00   tablets oral 5-APB
  T+ 0:00     6-APB
  T+ 4:30 1   Alcohol - Beer/Wine
Mindset & setting - relaxed at home

Preparations - eat pizza and 2 imodium 2 hours before

0:00 - Take 1 pellet

0:30 - Play computer game to take my mind off it

1:00 - Feel stimulated and a little anxious

1:30 - Stop playing game, sit down in comfy chair and relax. Feel more stimulated and a sense of dread which is never nice

2:00 - realised that stimulation is circulating round my body start to wiggle my toes and take deep breaths it is starting to feel good.

2:30 - Start listening to music, sound amazing just like an MDMA roll. Lots of euphoria. Consider re-dosing as I feel I can handle it and want more.

3:00 - Take another pellet

4:00 - Realise I'm quite scatty and hot. My jaw is chattering, large pupils and eye wobbles are crazy.

4:30 - Run head under cold shower and drink a cold beer

5:00 - Calmed down a bit, talking to people on forum, enjoying company rushing. Have CEVs of geometric patterns like a visualiser.

8:00 - Find the rush is starting to wear off. Also find I've chewed my mouth quite severely. I should have prepared for this.

8:30 - decide to leave forum and try to sleep or rest. Eat toast, yoghurt and some fruit.

8:30 onwards - Can't sleep I'm too tweaked coming down gradually, there is no crash or depression like MDMA, it is relaxing although frustrating that I can't sleep.

14:00 Look in the mirror see my pupils are normal, assume most of the substance has left my system. Feel baseline but still can't sleep.

Overall I believe this is what MDA must feel like after reading MDA reports. It had a lot more eye wobbles than MDMA. I enjoyed the experience very much. Much better than I was expecting.

[Reported Dose: '2 mixed tablets 50 mg of 5-APB 60 mg of 6-APB and 1 beer']

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100752
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 15, 2015Views: 5,541
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6-APB (516), 5-APB (561) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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