Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Blessed by the Magic Stick
Mugwort & Brugmansia
by Nyan
Citation:   Nyan. "Blessed by the Magic Stick: An Experience with Mugwort & Brugmansia (exp100762)". Dec 13, 2019.

  smoked Mugwort (dried)
    smoked Brugmansia (flowers)
I was recently practicing accupunkture and other alternative stuff to myself. When I out of a needle, I go to the local medicine store in my town. The store clerk is know me so well, she always give me discount for the items that I buy. 'ah so, needles right ?' she then put the pack of needles on the table. I look at the shelves and saw an 'attracting' yellow packages with chinese writing on that, and I ask 'what was that ?'. 'moxa, moxibustion stick, you lit a tip on that, put direct on the skin, same function as accupunkture .' . Then I left the store with a needle and that 'moxa'. The box of moxa price was IDR 25.000 $ 2,5.

I lock my room door and starting to practicing that to myself. The fire was warm enough for my muscles. And that aroma was sweet and relaxing. After that session, I let the moxa keep burning and that was bring me into deep sleep.
I let the moxa keep burning and that was bring me into deep sleep.

After I wake up, I wonder what is inside that 'magic stick' I open the un-burned part and see a greenish powder. I searching, googling and wiki-ing the moxa and found out, that was mugwort, and now I know why that so relaxing.

I remember that I have some chopped-dried brugmansia flower and rolling paper. And I mix the mugwort and brug together. I starting to smoke them. First thought was the seducing smell of brug and mild and sweet taste of mugwort. My mind starting to empty and bring me to sleep.

I see my dream so clear and lucid, I meet with my teacher (who died 3 years ago) at a building who looks like my school with cloudy and sunny background, so I see 'rays of god' anywhere. The sky so blue and the surface that I walk on look like quartz sand at 'bud'hist temple. I was barefoot, and I feel the texture was real like. I had a little conversation with him. His head was shiny. He say that he will go and starting to fly. I trying to follow him and I too starting to fly. He was passing to portal of light, and when I was near to the portal the portal disappear. I lost my fly ability and starting falling down and crashing the ground, making a crater like meteorites hit the ground.

Suddenly I wake up, shocked, sweating, my back was pain, my breath and heart rate is very fast, and my body is hard to move. It was like I have that experience in real life. That was very different experience with single use of brug.

The conclusion is, a calming and adventerous dream at once.

Greeting from land of gods, Indonesia.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 13, 2019Views: 1,092
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Mugwort (292), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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