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1,4-B Is Not a Toy
Citation:   Anonymous. "1,4-B Is Not a Toy: An Experience with 1,4-Butanediol (exp10082)". Jan 20, 2002.

  repeated oral 1,4-Butanediol (liquid)
im telling this story to provide anyone who wants to try 1, is a highly addictive substance not a toy. i started useing this substance over a 1 1/2 yrs ago. i tried it and loved it no nasty beer breath but with all the effects. so i bought a bunch of it. none for sale all for myself. i started useing it on weekends for the first couple of weeks not even a month and it was was the first thing when i wokeup.i reached under my bed and drank

1 1/2 caps justs to get rid of the shakes. it affected everything in my life i had to take it every 2 hours or i couldnt stand it. it affected my college very bad cause i was on it all the time.there would be times i would take a little to much and pass out right in class. luckly the classes are 2 1/2 hours. by that time i would wake up to people trying to get me up.luckly it was never at the first of class or they would have never of woke me up and that would have meant trouble!

about after 3 lucky months of not wreaking my car my luck ran out. i just got out of class and took some more and didnt think it would hit me before i got to my friends house i was not even a 1/2 mile away from my friends house and i started to drift i caught my self but a couple seconds later i went totally out. went in the other lane and hit someone head on.that woke me up in a shock i knew what had happened right then. i jump out to check on everybody and luckly no one was hurt.they still got a good bit of money from my insurance insurance got raised badley not to mention how i explained how i fell asleep at wheel at 7:00 in the evening.

i was so addicted the first thing when i got home i drank some more. i could drive for a month or so and i continued do drink every 2 hours first thing when i woke last thing before bed. finally i get my car back and it wasnt even a month later i was on the interstate and going at least 80 mph and passed out again.damn i dumb! luckly no head on or people could have died. this time i swerved in the other lane and fliped 2 people. i must have GOD with me because i jump out immeditely and ran to the car i thought they were dead forshore i was crying badly and trying to get the people out. in a matter of minutes ambulances were there and the popo to. the people somehow came out with just bruses.thank GOD!

they got a lot more money than the first person did.i went to the hospial out of guilt and sat with the people.i was so ashamed of my self all i could do was cry. i was determined to quite i went about 24 hrs. and cracked up. my body was trembleing so bad i couldnt hold nothing in my hand. my friend had to get the 1,4b and pour it for me i was shaking so bad. then i did it for several more months. luckly my insurance was so high now i couldnt pay for it and risk anyone elses life.

then on my 7 or 8 month i was up all night partying and 1,4b ing it. i was having a lot of sex for long periods of time the sun rose and my friend was ready to go home. i aready felt sick at my stomach cause all the exersice but i took another cap just to knock me out. so by the time i got home i would be ready for a good nap. well on the ride home i passed out that wasnt the bad part. were i was sick before i took that last bedtime cap cause of all the exersice. it made me very sick while i was passed out and i was choking on my own puke and my face was purple and blue.luckly i got to the emergency room quick enough..just in the nick of time. they pronounced me dead. they luckly stuck a bunch of stuff in me and got out all the puke out.then i came to i thought i got in a bad car accident cause the last thing i remember was going home.

the worst thing of all it was mothers day morning! they keep me in the hospital for a couple days. i was still so addicted the first thing i wanted when i got out was the 1,4 b.luckly the only other guy who knew where my 5 pure liters of 1,4 butanediol was pured it all out. i was so mad i threated to kill him and he was my best friend in till that. luckly with the help of my mom and loved ones and friends i pulled though this horrible time in my life and am glad to say ive been off for 8 months. the point im trying make is my insurance is so high i cant drive...not to mention i could have killed people......and i died and luckly doctors saved me..and i lost my best friend forever!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10082
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2002Views: 28,783
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1,4-Butanediol (51) : Health Problems (27), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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