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Have Not Given Up
Morning Glory
Citation:   Rev138. "Have Not Given Up: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp10083)". Jul 13, 2005.

650 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
  3 glasses oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Preface: I have years of experience with hallucinogens, primarily LSD and Psilocybe mushrooms. I'm pretty happy to say that my only two vices are alcohol and hallucinogens. Of the two, I prefer the latter immensely, but they're much harder to come by. After trying mushrooms, I have sworn off any future LSD use, yet they remain difficult for me to obtain, so I have experimented with alternatives…

My first experience with Morning Glories was uneventful. After reading several articles on the internet, I purchased several packets of Heavenly Blue seeds from Home Depot, pulverized them in a coffee grinder, soaked them in cold water, and filtered the mixture through a coffee filter.

A friend and I then mixed this foul brew with some grape Kool-Aid and chugged down about 8oz each. We would have had more, but the taste was too disgusting to stomach. I found the resulting experience to be much like the immediate onset of a LSD or mushroom trip, but it progressed no further. In addition, I succumbed to a slight headache and nausea (which has been cited as a side-effect in many of the articles I've come across).

The experience left me a but disappointed, though not disheartened… Recently, an enormous crop of Heavenly Blues growing on a fence around the corner from my house began to bear 'fruit,' and I decided a second trial was in order. I harvested a pocketful of green seed pods from the vines, which, after husking, yielded about 850 seeds. Many of the seeds were still moist and green, although a few were hard, dried, and black. I left the seeds in an uncovered jar for about a week to allow them to dry, then pulverized them with my coffee grinder. I mixed the resulting powder with a about 4.5 oz of 160-proof alcohol, shook it thoroughly, and left it to steep for about 12 hours (I added the extra 0.5 oz of alcohol to allow for absorption). After steeping, I shook the mixture up once again, allowed it to settle, and them poured off approximately 4 oz. of piss-colored fluid, leaving quite a bit of wet brown mush at the bottom of the jar.

I left the resulting yellow liquid to sit for about 10 hours while I was at work, and then set off the following sequence of events:

Mixed 1oz. Of MG tincture (approximately 215 seeds worth) with approx. 8 oz of orange juice (the label on my 160-proof booze cautioned strongly against drinking it straight), and downed the concoction.

Not feeling any major effects aside from the alcohol buzz, I made another 'screwdriver' out of OJ and MG/booze mixture, and chugged it down. After a while I grew restless and decided to go out for a walk. I mixed another ounce of my MG tincture with OJ and took it with me. I wandered around until about 11pm, still noticing no effects other than drunkenness.

Downed the 3rd MG cocktail, representing a total of about 650 seeds worth of tincture. The time of this writing is 11:35, and still no hallucinogenic effects. I still have 1oz. Of tincture left, but I am already feeling quite drunk from the alcohol, and I don't care to ingest another dose of 160-proof alcohol, LSA or no.

I consider this second experiment as a failure. I don't really notice any mental changes that can't be attributed to extremely strong alcohol, and I have experienced zero sensual hallucinations. The only out-of-the-ordinary effect at this point is a feeling of 'tightness' in my temples and sinuses. I have not experienced the headache or nausea mentioned in most of the articles I have read, but likewise I have not experienced any of the LSA-attributed effects. I blame my methods of extraction and delivery for this failure. It seems that the petroleum-ether-based extraction method can be effective, but I am unwilling to ingest petroleum by-products if I can help it (I'd rather just hold out for a decent 1/8th of mushrooms) . I have not given up on MG, and hope to experiment with new methods in the future.

I hope that this account will prove useful to prospective MG trippers.

Hallucinogens de largo vivos!

-Rev 138

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10083
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2005Views: 10,719
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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