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Freaked Out
by bob
Citation:   bob. "Freaked Out: An Experience with Metaxalone (exp101068)". Mar 12, 2020.

800 mg oral Metaxalone
I have been having some problems with head and neck pain for a while, so my doctor prescribed me Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) the other day. I remember using some muscle relaxant a few years ago and it was reasonably enjoyable. Nothing over the top. Just a calm experience. So I was somewhat excited to be put on Flexeril.

After hours of psyching myself out and pacing and then finally calming down, I took the suggested dosage. It wasn't for me. There was way too much stress involved. I have a history of marijuana use and have experimented with a few pharmaceuticals, but I try not to use drugs at all anymore. These days I check, recheck, and triple check the insert that comes with the prescription. I wasn't a fan of the possible side effects. I took my dose and was nothing more than exhausted. Flexeril was not for me.

So I called my doctor and had my prescription changed to Skelaxin. I read about Skelaxin (Metaxalone) online and was eager to try my first dose. Yesterday I had my first experience with it. I was rather underwhelmed. I felt somewhat calm, but also a bit excited. Nothing seemed to change. Tonight I decided to stick with it and maybe try a bit more than I had the first time. I planned to take the recommended dosage, see how I felt, and then maybe pop another.

It is now 2 am (one hour after my initial dose) and I feel TERRIBLE. My blood pressure is high. I'm jittery as hell.
My blood pressure is high. I'm jittery as hell.
I can't shake this ridiculously nervous feeling. I know I have problems with anxiety (though they are undiagnosed) and I suppose the drug may be exacerbating my anxiousness. I can't sit still for a single second and it's really freaking me out.

I don't think that this reaction is typical, Skelaxin may not be all its cracked up to be. I barely even feel any muscle relaxation, let alone mental relaxation.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101068
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 12, 2020Views: 1,331
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Metaxalone (653) : Difficult Experiences (5), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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