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Sex Club With Candy and K
MDMA & Ketamine
Citation:   lovebug. "Sex Club With Candy and K: An Experience with MDMA & Ketamine (exp101232)". Feb 14, 2020.

T+ 0:00
120 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 1:00 240 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 1:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Sildenafil
  T+ 2:15 40 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 3:00 20 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 3:30 20 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 4:00 20 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 5:45 50 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 6:45 50 mg insufflated Ketamine
Male, 42 years old, 170lbs
Female, 37 years old, 95lbs

I found out that I had the weekend free and suggested to my wife that we go to a sex club on Saturday. She and I had been to a couple different ones a few times before. We don't 'swing', but we both like to have sex in front of other people and also enjoy watching other people. We also like to dance and have sex at the same time and this is difficult (thought not impossible) at regular dance clubs.

We had not gone to a club in about a year and had also not used any substances in about six months other than drinking alcohol about once a month and using some MDMA about a month before (though we had felt little effect). She wanted to get some K for the club and I also wanted to have some MDMA so I called up a friend who could help me get some. We slept well on Friday night and were well rested for Saturday. We ate good dinner around 7pm and then came home and got ready.

The club opens at 10:00pm, but it doesn't get busy until around 12:00am, so we decided to get there around 12:00am (which ended up being a bit of a mistake). We took a shower together and then we picked out clothes and she started to put on her makeup around 10:00pm.

I had some MDMA powder that I had bought about a year before. I had last used some of it about a month before. When I had first gotten it it seemed to be rather weak, but I wasn't sure if it was severely cut or that MDMA had started to lose its 'magic' for me. It's also possible that it lost further potency over time. When I had used it the month before, my wife and I both took 300mg each, wrapped in cigarette papers (could the cigarette paper have prevented it from being absorbed well?). We had experienced little effect, about what 75mg would have done a couple years earlier.

I still had some of this old MDMA left and also had some new capsules with ~120mg each in them. At the time I didn't really think that the old powder was weak, so I decided that we would use 120mg each of the old powder first and then use one or two of the new capsules depending on the effect we felt after an hour. My wife takes a bit longer to feel MDMA that me and other people I know, so I gave her 120mg of the old powder around 10:00pm and also took the same amount.

While she got ready I got the K ready for the club. We are very discreet about using substances in public and also especially careful about K because too much can make her have strange hallucinations that don't really bother her but cause her to call out for me repeatedly. I weighed out 5 doses with 40mg of K each and put them into paper bindles.

We were ready to go around 11:00pm. The club is about an hour away so got our supplies (silicone lube, a towel and some extra clothes) and headed over to the club. We were not feeling anything from the MDMA at this point so we each took two of the new capsules as we started the drive. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] I started feeling the MDMA in about 20 minutes and my wife started feeling it 10 minutes later. We arrived at 12:00am and now the MDMA was coming on very strong.

We went in the bathroom (which is a shared mens/womens bathroom) around 12:15am and used 40mg of K each. We started feeling the K in about 10 minutes, but not strongly, both because it was not a large does and also because the MDMA was peaking strongly. One of the rooms in the club had a DJ and dance floor so we went in there and danced for about 45 minutes. It's always nice to dance on MDMA and/or K and this night was no exception. It was especially nice because we could also explore each other's bodies completely and watch some other people doing the same (though it was mostly just us in the room for much of the time).

At 1:00am, we decided to go have sex in one of the other rooms. We first went to the bathroom and did 20mg of K each. We went to one room with just one other couple and started fooling around. It was a bit difficult getting hard because the MDMA was so strong. I had taken 50mg of Viagra on the drive up, but it only helped some. We fooled around a bit but ended up talking most of the time.

Around 1:30am, we went in the bathroom and did another 20mg of K each. We then went to the main room where there were about 10-12 people having sex on an assortment of beds and couches. We found a good place and started having sex ourselves. It was still a little difficult. I was able to get hard but the MDMA was so strong that the desire to talk was usually greater than the desire to have sex.
I was able to get hard but the MDMA was so strong that the desire to talk was usually greater than the desire to have sex.
We did have a decent time for about 30 minutes and then after pausing and chatting for a few minutes, we decided to do the last of the K and come back.

We went back to the bathroom at 2:00am and did the last 20mg each. After that, we walked to the dance floor but it was totally empty so we left after a few minutes. We then went to the BDSM room where there was a guy with lots of equipment and a couple of places to tie someone up to. We are not into S&M at all, but my wife does like being tied up sometimes. It was a little uncomfortable with the guy, though. He was nice enough, but he was fully dressed and we were naked. We also didn't have our own cuffs and so we just hung out there for a while. A couple other people came in, but were not really doing much so we left after about 15 minutes and headed back to the main room.

By now it was almost 2:30am and there were just two couples in the main room. The club closed at 3:00am and so we decided to leave. We got dressed and chatted with some of the people who run the club and left at around 2:45am. We got home around 3:45am and went to our bedroom.

By now, the MDMA had finally worn off some and we decided to do some more K and dance and have sex. I measured out 200mg and powered it well. We spent about 2 hours doing the K and having sex and it was very good. We both prefer K to any other drug for having sex. MDMA is a nice addition sometimes, but only after it has stopped peaking. Around 5:45am, we were ready to sleep. The MDMA did not keep us awake and we slept well until the following afternoon.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101232
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Feb 14, 2020Views: 1,933
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MDMA (3), Ketamine (31) : Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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