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I Still Had the Same Feeling
Citation:   lovebug. "I Still Had the Same Feeling: An Experience with MDMA (exp101233)". Dec 26, 2016.

I first did MDMA in 2005, when I was 34 years old. In the first year, I took it 1 to 2 times per week, usually just one pill, sometimes having another half a few hours later. I would guess that some of these also had Meth in them as I later was able to get more pure, powdered MDMA and noticed that it did not cause me to have as much difficulty sleeping as the earlier pills did. In the second and third years I took it about twice per month. In later years I did it about monthly, with some several month long breaks.

I have never really noticed much change in the effects for me. I recently took ~150mg and the effect was very strong. I still had the same feeling of 'oneness with humanity' and the feeling that strangers were people who I had met before. I had little problem sleeping after about 6 hours and the effects on me in the coming days was pretty mild. I generally feel a bit tired the next day but never notice much depression or an increase in arguments with my SO.

Perhaps it's because I started taking it fairly late in life that it has never lost the 'magic' for me. I've taken it at least 200 times by now, and keep wondering if it will finally stop 'working'. I don't take it as much as I did early on and maybe that helps. I'm just busier that I was but I still like to do it monthly or so.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101233
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Dec 26, 2016Views: 4,056
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MDMA (3) : Loss of Magic (34), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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