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Paradoxical Reactions
Citation:   Pseudonym. "Paradoxical Reactions: An Experience with 25B-NBOMe (exp101349)". Aug 14, 2016.

400 ug insufflated 25B-NBOMe
I feel it is important for people to be aware of inconsistent reactions to this chemical. I appear to be several-fold more sensitive than others.

Dose: 400 ug insuffulated
Duration: 10.hours
Experience: Similar to 20-30mg of smoked DMT in intensity but much more complex and detailed. At the plateau I was so disassociated I was completely numb and immobile. It is important to note I take this chemical to treat recurring liver failure. It resolves my liver failure for about a week after each dose. I was still working out dosing and overdid it. This is not a recreational dose the after effects made this experience not worth repeating.

I had the song Scarlet Begonias stuck in my head on repeat for a week after this. During that week I had such a sweet taste in my mouth I could barely hold back vomiting. My hands hands, feet, and lips had strong paresthesis. After prolonged visual observation, blood pressure monitoring, and checking my O2 levels, vasoconstriction and hypoxia were ruled out. My best guess is nervous system over-stimulation. This is a symptom common in cases of over excitation of the nervous system in scenarios like benzodiazepine withdrawal. Regardless this symptom was distressing, though transient. I also experienced something I would call glitching in my visual field. Their were holes in my visual field that would glitch into dreams. Throughout this week I was able to care for myself normally once I got used to the burn out. A person unfamiliar with this experience could easily end up institutionalized.

This is just a warning of what can happen if your sensitive and over do it. I read a report where a person claimed to have done 2mg. I find buccal/sublingual absorption is inconsistent ad ineffective, insufflation yields more consistent results. Even taking this into account I was concerned. I would imagine there is a ceiling to the effects of this chemical and I hope that ceiling is reached before fatal complications would occur. Even though effectively getting 2mg into one's blood stream might not be fatal, if a person was inexperienced the following two weeks could tear apart their life.

As an anecdote, since I changed my drinking habits no doctor or medicine could fix my recurring metabolic issues. Until I started using 25b-nBOME this way I was eating 3500 calories a day and lost 30 pounds in about 2 months. The doctors claimed this was caused by anxiety and everything they prescribed made things worse.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101349
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Aug 14, 2016Views: 2,091
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25B-NBOMe (564) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5)

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