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Presence of One
Morning Glory
by JJC
Citation:   JJC. "Presence of One: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp101453)". May 18, 2018.

T+ 0:00
25 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 0:30 25 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 1:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Mindset – Curious, excited, holistic, slightly anxious but calm and balanced.

Setting – Nothing particular. I had mostly been in my room where I felt most comfortable.

Preparation – One tall glass of water taken before ingestion to help aid and tune my stomach and mind. Besides this, my stomach was empty. I had also meditated for short periods before the experience to help ease the effects (whatever they may have been.) Lastly, I had one bowl of fresh cannabis (indica) to help alleviate the possible nausea and or/ to enhance the effects of LSA.

The Experience: ‘Presence of One’

Prior to this experience I had not taken LSA.

8:00 am – Ingestion of water to aid in digestion/metabolism.

9:00 am – Ingestion of 25 seeds to begin followed by meditation.

9:30 am – Ingestion of remainder of seeds (25.) This was followed by various house tasks.

10:00 am – Slight alteration in visual acuity, reasoning and perception. Also, I became moderately nauseous. I decided to sit down and breathe deeply, though; I was completely able to perform regular tasks. My nausea had reduced by some percent.

10:30 am – I decided to smoke the cannabis slowly with intent to see and observe the effects, my thoughts, feelings etc. Immediately upon first toke, the nausea has vanished and I begin to sense something strange and beautiful approaching. I complete the bowl with patience and ease.

10:45 am – From smoking; the alterations I had felt before were greatly enhancing quite quickly. I then continue the experience in my room.

11:00 am – Gasp! By this time I had noticed a profound sense of being and calmness. This surge of energy was flowering through my body very meaningfully. I had not felt this energy before. Yet, it was entirely familiar. My entire body suddenly felt like the center of appreciation and beauty. The very hands I had held up in front of me lit up in a field of energetic glow! It all felt connected. As if everything that I perceived was physically, emotionally and spiritually ‘here’ in this very moment. My thoughts were quiet and still but yet, magnified. This subtle orchestra of life was bonding with every inch of energy in my body. The cannabis effects were still noticeable, but I was able to differentiate.

2:00 am – I then started to approach baseline here quite slowly. This afterglow of subtle energy, calmness and purpose was still present and continued throughout the day.

To sum up this experience, it was wonderful, therapeutic, mystical and intelligent. I am now aware that movement does give way to much more nausea than each does should intend. The greatness of LSA deserves much respect and has been conquered successfully with a simple 50 seed session and some fresh cannabis. I am feeling confident in moving forward to higher dosages. In which I have. This experience in particular will never be forgotten as it showed me something very fascinating about LSA. That being the very subtly of the plant can be life altering. Thank you for reading. See you there!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101453
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 18, 2018Views: 1,953
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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