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Gentle Lady
Citation:   My3rdi. "Gentle Lady: An Experience with Allylescaline (exp101484)". Oct 7, 2013.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Allylescaline (capsule)
  T+ 1:45 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 2:30 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 3:15 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 4:00 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 6:52     Melatonin  
  T+ 6:52     Diphenhydramine  
Substance: Allylescaline
Dosage: ~15mg
Time of ingestion: 3:16pm EST
Height: 6' 2'
Weight: 256lbs

Post trip notes: I weighed out 15mg and placed into an empty gel cap. I brought this gel cap with me to work, and decided that right before I would leave work, I would consume it. I left my office at 4:02pm. Commute home was 30 minutes. I did take one long walk in my neighborhood between 5:45ish - 6:45ish. My girlfriend ordered a pizza and I had a single slice around 7:00.

Trip Report:

Mood: slightly tired from lack of sleep; however, also feeling jovial that it is the weekend

3:16pm- ingested. The taste is unique, not bitter, just horribly chemical tasting almost like one of the new synthetic amphetamines

3:22pm- slight anxiety/feeling anxious over how this substance will treat me. I do feel slightly 'off' right now but that has to be placebo IMO

3:30pm- slight elevation in awareness and I feel giddy. My stomach feels tight. I def already notice the same absorption/processing traits as mescaline-churning stomach and what not.

3:36pm- I can feel the familiar onset of euphoria. Stomach still somewhat tight.

3:43pm- first wave of nausea hit. I also felt the first moment of intoxication. I def have the impulse to continually smile

4:01pm- Communication requires extra effort. I feel high. The come up is quite gentle.

4:31pm- inebriation setting in. Buzzed. Slightly horny feeling akin to mda/mdma. Head high too.

4:41pm- Nausea coming on and off. I am def feeling the onset of a trip. Very mellow yet steep feeling. Stomach is churning. Slight body load too.

5:08pm- nausea subsided after eating some chips. Slight visuals setting in. I can still function and communicate

5:22pm- feeling it hit a little more. Def coming on in waves.

5:43pm- high feeling is sustained at the moment. I feel buzzed. Slight visual distortions. Nothing major.

6:44pm- I have settled into the trip. Super mild. Slight visual distortions. Body feels warm. Def feel very good.

7:04pm- having minor heat flashes. Mild visuals, more distortions than hallucinations. I am seeing some colors. Nausea is gone. Oddly enough, I can consume food on this substance.

7:55pm- feeling intoxicated. Mildly trippy. No visuals at the moment

8:24pm- I would say it has hit plateau and is slowly winding down. Perhaps still at the peak. I would characterize my state as high, but quite manageable. Overall, I would say this substance is very internal. I would have enjoyed more visuals. My vision is skewed, very mild tracers have been prevalent throughout the night.

Overall, I will affirm the notion that the suggested PIHKAL dosage is on the low end. I def think more can be taken, and somewhat expect an increased effect with higher dosage. I am also of the mindset that this substance would prove very beneficial in combination with a number of tryptamines. I can also now echo that this substance at this dose is indeed a training wheel psychedelic.

9:10pm- I feel kinda tired. Brain still running. Kinda hoping melatonin will knock me out in 1-2 hours.

9:22pm- Valerian Root consumed in order to expedite the come down. Side note: I have consumed 4 beers between 5pm-9pm.

10:06pm- administered melatonin as well as Tylenol pm.

Just had sex as well, very tactile. Huge orgasm. Made me feel incredibly connected. Minor closed eyed visuals followed orgasm.

6:51am- up. Slept pretty well. Natural landing allowed me to pass out earlier than what I expected.

Overall: substance has potential for recreational use. I'd label it as more of a tool for reflection/observation. Def one of the more interesting RC's I have ever used.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101484
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Oct 7, 2013Views: 12,053
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Allylescaline (573) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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