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Orange Ecstasy Feelings
LSD & 2C-C
Citation:   Red Jabid. "Orange Ecstasy Feelings: An Experience with LSD & 2C-C (exp101491)". Dec 16, 2021.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits   2C-C (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 0.5 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis  
I thought I'd share my first experience with 2C-C

My background is I'm a healthy male in his late 20s. 60-70kg body weight. My first experience with psychedelics was when I was 16 years old, I took LSD. Since then I have taken many substances, such as Mushrooms, Peyote, Mescaline, MDMA, MDA, Ayahuasca, 5-MeO-DMT, and Cocaine.

The experience I had with 2C-C and LSD I was at an outdoor trance party, we were at a beautiful location in nature. The weather was cold, and at some times it rained a little, but everyone at the party was in a great party mood and the music was great, so good vibes all around.

The previous night I was doing cocaine with a friend, and I didn't sleep well at all. So I spent a couple of hours in the afternoon resting my mind and body by doing as little as possible, I think I managed a few hours of sleep. I wasn't feeling 100% good, but good enough to take some psychedelics and enjoy the party.

So my friend managed to find some 2C-C blotter paper. We were recommended that we share the 2C-C blotter because supposedly it was really strong (they said an equivalent to a 200-300mg LSD trip). We were also recommend to put the 2C-C blotter in our nose (against the inner wall of our nose where the nostrils meet) because supposedly the substance tastes really bad if you put it in your mouth and leaves a metallic taste.

I had a blotter of LSD on me, so my friend and I cut the LSD & 2C-C blotter up and took a half of each blotter.

About 30 minutes before we took the substances, another friend of ours already put a full 2C-C blotter in his nose, he had taken it out just before we took ours, he said that he was tripping already and it was quite intense. He mentioned something about a sparkly shining entity by his face. He also said it would be a good idea to take half, as it was strong.

So after taking ours we took a walk to the dance floor and sat by the edge of it looking at everyone dancing. We sat there for about 10 minutes, this was now about 20 minutes after we took the 2C-C, I checked my nose, and the blotter was gone, must of fell out, I was quite disappointed as I thought It wouldn't kick in now.

We decided to take a walk to the other dance floor, we stood up and started walking, I felt weak in the knees, kind of like jelly legs, walking was not so easy, it was almost as if I was drunk, I couldn't walk in a straight line. I could feel the 2C-C starting to kick in now. We got to the other dance floor and started to dance a little.

30 minutes after I took the 2C-C I started to come on. It felt great, it reminded me of the ecstasy feeling from taking MDMA. I started to see geometric patterns and visuals all around, colours were more intense, things were slightly blurry. The visuals slowly got more intense and at 45 minutes after I took the 2C-C I was definably peaking, the visuals started to become really crystalized, like i was looking through some sort of textured glass. I could hardly see anything in front of me as the visuals got quite blurry, so I closed my eyes and all I saw was orange, just a bright warm orange light, and feeling to match. I felt warm, cozy and really good.

I stayed on the dance floor by myself, as my friends went to the other dance floor. It was an hour and a half after I took the 2C-C. At this point I just stopped caring, and started dancing really crazy. I was mixing all sorts of crazy dance moves together, I could hear people laughing at me 'who is this crazy guy dancing'. I was in pure ecstasy, I just didn't care, and kept dancing. It started to lightly rain at this point, and I was getting hot. I took my hoodie off and danced in the rain, it was a beautiful feeling to be care free. My eyes were still closed, when I opened them it seemed as tears where in my eyes as everything looked watery and blurry. By the time I opened my eyes (2 hours after taking the 2C-C) I wasn't facing the dancefloor, but I was facing away from the DJ at the back of the dance floor looking at a tree. It seems I moved around quite bit from where I originally started dancing.

I could feel I was off the 2C-C peak and the LSD kicked in now, the visuals got really intricate and detailed, lights were glowing way more and there were geometric patterns all over the floor. I didn't feel so warm and cozy anymore. And I started to think quite deep and profound thoughts at this point, which usually happens when I take LSD.

I walked around a bit trying to find our tent, I had no idea where it was because I spent the afternoon sleeping and didn't explore the party area properly to see where we were in relation to everything else. I walked to the other dance floor to find my friend.
He was dancing on the floor with a beer in his hand, he said he wasn't tripping, which I found hard to believe, but I suggested that was probably because he was drinking alcohol and that doesn't mix well with psychedelics. I asked him to walk me to the tent, all I wanted to do was rest. This was about 3 hours after taking the 2C-C and LSD.

We found the tent and I racked a pipe of high grade cannabis. We smoked it and laughed loads. It was really good to laugh like that. We were admiring the lasers and lights.

My friend said he wanted to go back to the dancefloor, but I was thoroughly satisfied with my dancing mission and I felt really great. I didn't feel like dancing anymore so I stayed behind at the tent, just smoked some more cannabis and started speaking to some of the people in the nearby campsites, which is quite rare for me as I usually don't speak to strangers.

I lay in my tent about 4 hours after taking the substances, usually I cant rest or sleep at all on LSD, but I managed to find peace and rested easy.

The next morning I woke up feeling a little tired, but pretty good.

A great experience all round. I will definably be trying 2C-C again. But next time I will probably take the 2C-C an hour and a half after taking LSD so that I can peak on both substances at the same time.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101491
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Dec 16, 2021Views: 585
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2C-C (262), LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Combinations (3)

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