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Realistic and Movie Like Dreams
Citation:   Donga. "Realistic and Movie Like Dreams: An Experience with Vervain (exp101609)". Jan 14, 2016.

2 cups oral Vervain (tea)
I have one of those boring government jobs in the middle of a desert you've never heard of. So to make things interesting in the afternoons i'm experimenting with herbal tea.

Vervain is not drank for the taste, it has a bitter grassy flavor.

I put about 1.5 teaspoons of Vervain in a tea infuser then filled a mug with boiling water and let sit for about 10 mins.

Nothing happened after about 30 mins so I brewed a second but had to add half a lemon to make it taste at least drinkable.

After another 30 mins I felt relaxed and lightened, similar effects as Damiana tea but much more subtle.

1 hour later and I feel very sleepy and unmotivated which is unusual for me.

I went to bed and had some of the most realistic and movie like dreams I've ever had. I really enjoyed the effects even if the taste is horrible.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101609
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 14, 2016Views: 5,258
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Vervain (660) : General (1), Alone (16)

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