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Trembling, Shaking, Convulsing Violently
Citation:   PurpleLikeYourMom . "Trembling, Shaking, Convulsing Violently: An Experience with Cannabis (exp101659)". Jul 9, 2019.

1.5 bowls smoked Cannabis
I consider myself pretty good at smoking pot. I've been smoking with my roommate for a while when this happened. We'll call him E.

E and I were sitting in our terrible basement suite, ready to get stoned. He goes first (He only ever smokes small pinches). I was next. I had a bowl, and a little more when suddenly, I got tunnel vision. I could not focus on anything. Sounds were taking longer to understands, and my face kept twitching.
Sounds were taking longer to understands, and my face kept twitching.
I couldn't control my legs shortly after that either.

E came and sat beside me, trying to make me laugh when all of a sudden I couldn't see. It felt like, I was being pulled away, into a darkness of despair. Then the shaking began. I was trembling, shaking, convulsing violently. He invited me to lay down with him. He held me tight to his body as I kept kicking him, and tightening up then unleashing. It would stop for minutes at a time. We would laugh and I would talk about it.

Conversation kept me grounded. When nothing was happening, the shaking would start again. He called me bacon, and slankey and made a lot of jokes. Legitimately, he was perfect. (although, I should have went to the hospital).

An hour after it started, it subsided. I got shakes randomly for the following weeks. I have smoked that same batch of pot before that happened, and I've smoked more before that happened as well. I have no history of epilepsy or seizures.

E didn't let me blaze for 2 weeks after that and then watched my intake like crazy. It never happened again
It never happened again
but I really did think was going to die. Still smoke the reefer to this day.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 101659
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 693
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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