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Enter The VOID
LSD, Ketamine & DMT
Citation:   my3rdi. "Enter The VOID: An Experience with LSD, Ketamine & DMT (exp101681)". Jun 11, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 0:00   oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 0:45 200 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45 50 mg smoked DMT  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (tar / resin)
At the time of this experience, I was 27 years old, and I weighed 255 pounds. I am six feet, two inches tall. My experience with psychoactive substances was extensive. At the time, I was taking psychological excursions at least once a week. The intensity of these trips varied depending on mood, and how far I wanted to push myself. The substances involved were always used in some combination, which would be LSD, Mushrooms, Ketamine, DMT, and DXM. During this particular summer, I also had the pleasure of using Ayasuaca a few times. In the summer of 2009, I was able to use DMT on a regular basis, and made it a habit for 90 days to use DMT each night. Essentially, my point here, is I have been to the deepest end of the pool, and it’s where I am most comfortable.

It was around 2:30am. I phoned a friend, and instead of the usual spurious greetings, I opened the conversation with the question, “1 or 2?” To which my buddy replied, “2.” So it was set into stone. I washed a vial with vodka, and took a shot. No turning back at this juncture. I was feeling incredibly tired. I had been out at a friend’s place, where we had a few drinks, and smoked some cannabis. I was also feeling adventurous, which is what prompted my fate based system of psychedelic administration. And lady fate wanted to dance with me that night.

I reclined on my couch, and I waited for the familiar onset of the alert, lucid dream to set into effect. I slipped away into a dream state, in more ways than one. I awoke with the alarmed sensation of the room vibrating and moving. The come up had taken place whilst I was asleep. I check the clock on my phone, and it’s around 315am. It’s hard to read the phone, those damn numbers keep melting into each other and running all over the place. I can see the usual images of the after-life on my carpet, the dead haunting me in this dream, as they had come to do that summer. It’s time. I know I want to go further. I load up a glass bowl with a little cannabis resin, and approximately 50mg of DMT that I had weighed out prior to calling my friend.

I also weigh out 200mg of ketamine. I take the ketamine over 2 lines, and lick the CD case; I quickly pick up my bowl, and brace myself. I take the DMT over 3 hits. As I had come to perfect, I take in 3 hits over about 50 seconds, with just enough time to place my bowl out of harm’s way.

The familiar synergy of DMT and LSD, it’s like having a 5 star orgasm shot directly into my veins. I feel the warmth rocketing over me, the vibration of life shaking erectly and sporadically as it increases with power and tempo. I can see the curtain approaching.

The headspace before the breakthrough, it’s my own Dark Star, my own philosophical implosion with which I propel myself to the ethos of my universe and to the tip of the otherside. My curtain is always endless entities. They reach for me, they speak to me, they teach me. The prism pattern within each of them is its own universe. Using the handy latter exercise from my DXM trips, I propel myself upward and out of my physical self. Through the fucking curtain like a good psychonaut, and with each step upward, I feel less and less of myself. Until, I am out of my body, and I have broken through to the otherside, the infinite universe sits before my weighless self. I feel nothing. I am conscience of where my physical self resides, albeit, I am completely detached from my physical being. I can feel the ketamine taking effect. The endless vision of the DMT/LSD third eye always gives way to a tiny tunnel vision effect of the dissociative psychedelics. The universe begins to tunnel forward like an underground train at 100mph. Even at this speed, I see every detail of the cave. Out of nowhere we cross over an ocean, where the waves look like the implosion of stars. The water, infinite, and endless, crystal fucking clear, like space itself. I can see us rapidly approaching a metropolis. Suddenly the train is underground again. The city also exists underground, it’s like New York, Chicago, and the apocalypse had a threesome and shit out a mutant baby. I am baffled at the complexity before my third eye. Infinite but also nothing. Pointless. It just sprawls and sprawls and sprawls. What’s complexity, without purpose? Depth without reason? Beauty without the explanation and understanding? It’s fucking nothing. SPACE. Occupied by those that think they see it.

At some later junction, I come to on the couch. The walls are a triad of colors and designs. Fuck. It’s light out. My phone (which is still melting) reads 7:45am. I stumble over to my fridge. I eye a beer. I know better. I return to the couch, and try to collect myself.

I’m in a thought loop of what is and isn’t real. I’m having a real hard time processing that what just happened was a hallucination and not reality. Reality has been blurred. The VOID will do that. Dreams can be reality? Or can they? My mind is spinning. I keep thinking is this as far as I can go. I never found the answer.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 101681
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 11, 2021Views: 1,016
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DMT (18), Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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