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Getting Things Done.
Citation:   jadedjus. "Getting Things Done.: An Experience with Phenylpiracetam (exp101821)". Aug 10, 2016.

200 mg oral Phenylpiracetam (powder / crystals)
  100 mg insufflated Phenylpiracetam (powder / crystals)
Let me start with a little background on me first. I have skitsoaffective disorder and epilepsy and while my major problems are under control like going manic and hallucinating, depression, hearing voices, and being extremely paranoid. Daily I deal with extreme anxiety, and ADD issues.

Medications I am on are Zyprexa, Buspar, Klonopin, Keppra, and Topomax.

Now with the report. I got my package of 10 grams of Phenylpiracetam pure powder and got my digital sale out and weighed out 200mg mixed it with water and drank it. I also measured out 100mg and chopped out a line and snorted it. It went down quite nice and I felt effects almost instantly.

There was definitely an adderal similarity but no body speediness. It was all mental alertness. I promptly put on some music and cleaned my room. After that I got on my computer and started making digital art pieces on Photoshop, which I have not done in a long time because I haven’t been able to focus long enough to do so.

I have also noticed that I have not had any anxiety while on this drug which is good.

The next morning I dosed again the same and got on Photoshop to make more pictures and I have been more productive than I have ever been in my life. I redosed a few times with a couple lines, I think I may go do some pastel portraits and see how they come out. There is definitely potential for this drug I think nasally is the way to go though.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101821
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Aug 10, 2016Views: 6,650
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Phenylpiracetam (756) : Performance Enhancement (50), Depression (15), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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