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Hit a Lot Harder Than the Last Time I Tried It
LSZ & Hash
Citation:   zombywoof. "Hit a Lot Harder Than the Last Time I Tried It: An Experience with LSZ & Hash (exp101826)". Dec 5, 2017.

T+ 0:00
150 ug oral LSZ (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  T+ 11:45 2 mg oral Etizolam  
BODY WEIGHT: 12.5 st
I had another go at 150ug of lsz on friday night and must admit I got hit a lot harder than the last time I tried it. It must have been very little on that blotter the first time as I really enjoyed it on friday.

I swallowed tab at 7 pm while relaxing in the bath and started to feel effects about an hour later. The wife's friend then came over so I hid in kitchen playing music on computer till she left just before 10 pm. The music really sounded fantastic possibly even more so than on al-lad. There was very little body load though I was a bit unsteady when I had to go to the toilet. Also nice and euphoric as a beatific grin kept appearing on my face for no reason at all. Very mild oevs but the cevs were quite strong but not like al-lad.

I also got very hungry after a few hours and was eating quite a lot all through the trip. I also smoked quite a lot of polm after the first couple of hours as it did make me want to smoke. Probably a waste then as the lsz did overpowered it for most of the trip. I dont like to smoke noids when on other chemicals as it just doesn't feel right so I just stuck to the hash. I ended up watching a film 633 squadron on the telly but this does make me emotional as I was nearly in tears at the end of it.

I was still awake at 6.45 am so I took 2mg of etiz went to bed and slept right through to 4.45 pm on saturday and had to get up as the wife was cracking up. I was in a fog for an hour or so but also had the afterglow I actually ended up assembling some bathroom furniture up till around 11pm last night. When I had my first spliff last night it was like being back in amsterdam as it almost gave me a whitey. I love the way this happens the day after I trip.

Yes I like this chemical very much but dont think it is as strong as al-lad and as I have only one lsz tab left and also have an odd half a tab of al-lad I think I will try that out next time sometime before christmas. So next time out 150ug of lsz and 75ug of al-lad should be very good in my opinion.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101826
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Dec 5, 2017Views: 1,912
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LSZ (609) : General (1), Alone (16)

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