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Poor Man's Acid
Citation:   R Paulsen. "Poor Man's Acid: An Experience with 25i-NBOMe (exp101887)". Feb 13, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 mg buccal 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 6:00   smoked Cannabis  
User background: I have used 2C-B, Shrooms, and LSD around 30 times, MDMA 5 times, and was looking for something close to LSD now that I feel I'm past the point of self discovery and just want to have a good time. I always makes sure I'm well rested, hydrated, and ate healthy meals before tripping. I have never had a panic attack or felt I was in some kind of danger from drugs.

I found 25i-NBOMe for about 1/10th the price of LSD after hearing good things about it. I obtained 5 1mg blotter tabs, and felt one tab would be a good starting dose for someone that's tripped before. I also have never had a 'bad trip' and have taken psychedelics in public, at parties, and at home. Tonight I am at home with my baby mama.

T+0:00 I put one tab between my lip and gums, held for about 30 minutes and waited for liftoff. I find putting it between my upper lip and gums reduces saliva, where holding it under my tongue makes my mouth water.

T+0:45 walls starting to breathe, details getting fuzzy. I feel a bit of an energy burst.
T+0:45 walls starting to breathe, details getting fuzzy. I feel a bit of an energy burst.
I jump in the shower, which is my 'happy place' for the comeup of new drugs.

T+1:00 I am now having one of the most visual experiences ever. There is more body load than LSD or 2C-B, but I can handle it no problem. Slight jaw clenching so I get out of the shower- laugh at my face in the mirror, and go take some vitamins.

T+1:30 I am feeling like I'm on a 200µg LSD trip. I watch one of my favorite films and I enjoy it like it's the first time. I laugh hard, I get emotionally involved, and enjoy the visual trails and face morphing on my TV.

t+3:00 I try to do some of the things I usually do on acid: play music instruments, but I'm finding my hands are a little shaky and I can't quite focus. It feels forced, so I stop. Conversation with my lady friend is great, I'm watching her dance and things are starting to feel primal. We go to the bedroom and start making out...

t+4:00 I'm getting the best BJ of my life, and orgasm takes a long time to get there, but is one of the best ever. In my mind I am seeing very erotic imagery, like a kaleidoscope of skin and body parts. I feel like I'm being worshiped.

t+5:00 eating some food, watching some TV. Visuals have subsided. Sometimes things are a little fuzzy, faces morph slightly. Occasional light flashes. Lots of good conversation, but nothing earth shattering, no deep insights.

t+6:00 wide awake although it's late. I smoke some weed and eventually go to sleep.

I felt like I get the physical effects of LSD, but not much of the spiritual/intellectual benefits. It felt more like a great party or erotic drug. But I also think I've made my discoveries already, and I'm already on the right path after using LSD. This drug feels like a good substitute for times I'm not looking for anything too deep, but want a trip greater than 2C-B.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101887
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Feb 13, 2020Views: 858
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25I-NBOMe (542) : Alone (16), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2)

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