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Scariest but Most Amazing Day of My Life
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   JOJM. "Scariest but Most Amazing Day of My Life: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp101912)". May 27, 2022.

50 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (fresh)
50 Gram Fresh Mushroom Journey

This was the scariest but most amazing day of my life.

Ingesting 50 grams of fresh home grown golden teacher mushrooms was quite an experience. I entered an altered universe. This was not my first time taking mushrooms but it was my first time taking 50 grams of it! It was me and a few buds. They were willing to give a light dose a try so they got just enough to get all giggly and notice brighter colors.

After about 30 minutes of ingesting this magical fungi and about an additional 30 minutes of dying laughter on the phone with customer service, I closed my eyes. Before me I was smacked with the most 3D like shapes and astonishing colors you can't imagine. Shapes that to this day I can't recreate on paper. Complete and total loss of time at this point. I am told I was on my knees with my face dug into the mattress for 3 hours! To me it felt as if I was only there minutes. I watched an amazing show behind my eyelids, as if I had televisions implanted behind my lids. When I snapped out of my enchantment I was alone at home. I almost thought my trip into altered worlds was over, then I noticed the tv noises echoed, the walls were lined with patterns, and the bed seemed to alternate between a quarter of its size and twice its actual size. Proceeding to my room was like a marathon. It felt as if it took an hour to get there.

Upon entering my room I opened my back door and I DIED! I was one with the wind. Again I was blasted into this world of colors and shapes. This time however I felt like a soul, a spirit maybe, but definitely not a body. Just thinking about it at this moment gives me chills. During my hallucinations of floating through fields of buzzing color, I questioned existence, birth, death. I felt as though death was nothing to fear, it is part of life, if we are even alive to begin with. Maybe we are each our own god, creating a world of our own as time goes by. Life may just be an illusion, as our dreams are. And one day the dream ends, causing our death. As I lay to ponder my new thought pattern a drop of condensation from the air vent above me lands on my head and I hear a sizzle and feel amazing. Looking out the back door the sky changes colors and shades rapidly as I fall in and out of altered consciousness. At this point I walk to my mother's room (my safe place), still alone at home, and notice that a WSVN news anchor appears to be wearing an african styled dashiqui with african patterns. She seems to be talking about the benefit of magic mushrooms. Her voice sounds like a coil spring vibrating and she has 4 eyes and 2 mouths. At this point I just want the trip to be over as it's been quite overwhelming. I lay down on my mother's bed and try to fall asleep, UNSUCCESSFUL! As I lay there feeling alone I hear the doorbell, FINALLY!

I slowly begin to recover from my insane trip. All I can manage to do for the next hour or so is hold my mother's arm and mutter 'WOW'. Yes I did let her know what I would be doing so she let me enjoy myself and took the family for the day. As I lay there I had even more appreciation than I usually do for both life, or the illusion thereof, and my mother. I felt the need to be close to her. I believe I experienced my ego death. I changed my way of being. It is that much harder for me to judge someone.

I had little to no emotions for about a week following my adventure. My mindset has changed greatly. I try to get as many people as I can to give mushrooms a chance. It is a great life changing experience. Telling my story to people I've inspired quite a few people to try the flesh of the gods, both first timers as well as people who have had a bad trip giving them a second go. I will always start off this trip by saying that it was the scariest but most amazing day of my life.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101912
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 27, 2022Views: 730
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Families (41), General (1), Various (28)

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