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New Tec
Citation:   DStocker. "New Tec: An Experience with DMT (exp101944)". Feb 16, 2020.

  vaporized DMT
New tec for DMT

I am a metaphysics teacher. My studies have lead me to some discoveries that I can share here about DMT. I came to this study as I am of a scientific mind and in order to teach something I needed to know it was true. In most cases, though I believe what I was teaching, much of it was for other sources. I was simply at the point that I needed first hand experience, and this also meant objective evidence. This study is still ongoing as the criteria for a test needs to be high enough for proof for me. Either way, the study did lead to trying DMT and other hallucinogenic to see what may be learned. Again, this experience was more subjective for the most part, but there is some evidence that may come through with this new tec that can be examined. As for my proof I am hopeful that some information I got during a ayahuasca ceremony will pan out.

Here is the Tec:
First, DMT crystals. I will put my method at the end of this article for those interested, but that is not the main premise of this writing.

Next, one of the electronic cigarettes. This is one that has a holder for the vaporizing liquid in a separate holder that is screwed onto the vaporizer so you can add any liquid you like.

Now the liquid: What I am using is a standard glycerin with no nicotine in the flavor of indigo dream. What I have found is that the DMT crystals will dissolve in this and can then be smoked using the e-cigarette. This has lead to a few new advantages. Also one warning: The plastic holder will deteriorated from the mixture and break over time. They have glass ones, but I the problem is not that bad.

I try and saturate the liquid as the combination is not as strong as smoking DMT straight. This advantage is also found that it is easier to smoke. Pure DMT vaporized, as through the bottle method, I find it so harsh as to make it unusable, due to coughing or other problems. In the interim I found that a mixture of tobacco and pipe was easier for me. This method is very easy, though a large inhale can still make me cough, it is much smoother. It will however not be three inhales. It takes a lot more, but this also is an advantage.

I have found that I need not blast myself into another reality to get a lot from the DMT.
I have found that I need not blast myself into another reality to get a lot from the DMT.
To explore such things more, that test need to be done. So with this method I can take a bit of steps at a time and see what I experience. I have found that I can get much from it this way, as insights come to me that I may have otherwise missed. Also I have found some consistency that may lead to objective proofs and understanding of the experience. There are stages. One leads to seeing a geometry, or fractal nature of reality. Observing this stage has lead to understanding the reality of it. IF this more information must be made and correlated with others to see if it is overall a standard experience.

I hope that this information will help anyone interested in new levels of exploration of this. Also I have not got a source at this time for 5me-dmt and this may work as well. I hope to try this in the near future.

How I extract the DMT:
I use Mimosa root bark powder. I put about 5 spoon full in about 2 cups of water in a glass container. Add a spoon of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye). Stir and let sit for a day or so. Add a cup (or less) of Naphtha (I use lighter fluid and works great). Stir it in for some time, longer is better. Let sit for a day or so to have the lighter fluid separate. Get this off the top, I used a eye dropper and time to just suck it off the top. I use glass as the fluid can bother plastics. I put the fluid into a glass pan. Then let it sit someplace to dry off the fluid, I used a fan as well. And then scrape up the DMT crystals. I can use more lighter fluid and do it again to get out all the DMT from the mimosa a few times. But this is the basics and it’s easiest.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101944
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Feb 16, 2020Views: 2,519
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