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Chasing the Kaleidoscope
Citation:   NoStoneUnturned. "Chasing the Kaleidoscope: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp102041)". Oct 26, 2016.

  insufflated Methoxetamine
MXE is and will probably always be, my favorite chemical. In this respect it also carries the strongest pull for addiction for myself. While I have had hundreds of experiences with this chemical, this report is meant to convey the feeling that I had been chasing ever since I first reached what I refer to as the 'tactile Kaleidoscope effect'.

It was late (midnight) on a Tuesday, a couple of friends and I headed over to another friends house to play with glow toys and partake in some MXE. We had all been using (and abusing) the compound for some time. I first snort a 20mg line and proceed to eat what is on the table. Within about 10 minutes I am fed up with waiting and request another line. My friends, adamant about giving people what they ask for when it comes to psychoactives, lay out a large line that couldn't have been less then 50mgs.

+1 hour: I have no regrets, this is very intense, but no regrets, looking forward to what lies ahead knowing there is no chance of overdose. The intense euphoria reminiscent of my opiate addiction days sets in (one of the big pulls towards the drug). I feel beautifully numb, head nearly out of body.
+2 hours: mild visuals, nothing at all major, lazers were particularly fun. At this point I am starting to questions who I am, not understanding my name entirely or it's purpose. I knew who I was with and I knew who I was to an extent, but everything was still so foreign, and new.

+3 Hours: It's the devils hour, everyones dancing, the only thing I know is that I'm enjoying life. This is a phenomenal feeling, a peak of peaks of MXE trips. I recall asking a couple of friends 'are we dead?'. I really couldn't tell if I was alive or not, but this didn't seem to matter.
+4 hours; I finally return home from the 'trap house', put on one of my favorite trance artists and begin to fall into an orgasmic meditation. My body is seeing for me, the feelings that run across my body are showing up under my closed eyelids. My body is twisting and turning and morphing in a way that can only be compared to a Kaleidoscope. It feels like a psychedelic massage, the feelings that accompany my body continue to grow into intense visuals in my minds eye. Morphing energy flowing through my body in all directions, total physical and mental euphoria. Nothing about this feeling is boring, or uneasy, it's a high that someone could easily spend a lifetime in.

+5 hours. I eventually fall asleep with this everlasting feeling of beauty around me.

Next Day: as always after a night of MXE, feeling great, euphoric and beautiful, ready to take on the day.
Negative aspects of the compound: MXE, chasing the kaleidoscope led me to a year long MXE addiction that ended in terrible withdrawal resulting in catatonic depression.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102041
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 26, 2016Views: 2,494
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Methoxetamine (527) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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