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A Weird Vibe
an NBOMe series compound sold as 'acid'
Citation:   Jenna. "A Weird Vibe: An Experience with an NBOMe series compound sold as 'acid' (exp102079)". Jun 18, 2016.

1 hit   NBOMe Series (blotter / tab)
Mixed Experience

My experience with this drug was very interesting. A friend of mine who I was very close with called me. It was either the second or third day of spring break and for some odd reason it was STILL snowing outside. Anyways my friend had called and she was going on and on about how she needed me to be there, and then finally explained that she and a bunch of our other friends were doing (what they thought at the time was) acid.

I initially was supposed to be a sober baby sitter. So I got there and all 5 of them were going on about how weird I looked. Apparently it was because I was sober. My friend that called me was rolling on the carpet and walls talking about gravity. Everyone else was laughing and didn't seem to have such strong effects as her. Anyways they all BEGGED me to take a tab, and I did. I wasn't sure what to expect seeing as the only things I had done before has been marijuana and alcohol. It was bitter and I left it in my mouth for a lot longer than everyone else had.

My mouth was numb and it took about an hour to get any effects. The ceiling was moving around and I remember a friend stopping me from googling acid, he said it would just freak me out. We all decided to go to the store not too far away to get gum and get rid of the taste. It took me forever to put my shoes on because I was really feeling it at this point. It felt like I had just walked out the door and we were somehow teleported there. My friend who initially invited me was laughing and I couldn't stop laughing. It was great at this point. We walked down aisles and actually lost each other IN THE SAME AISLE. My friend's boyfriend was freaking out about how everyone was strring. He just kept yelling at us to shut up and saying 'LOOK, NOW EVERYONE HERE KNOWS.' I started to feel really threatened by him, but the way things were stretching and moving kept my mind off of him and his paranoia. We got the gum and headed back. Everything was blurry. I was holding onto my friend and could barely walk. I'm not even sure how I safely crossed the street. There was a bit of snow on the ground and it was moving and changing colors.

We got back to the house and everyone was sharing about what was happening for them. I couldn't really talk. My mind was racing. Everyone else had taken it an hour before I had since I got there late so the effects they were feeling weren't as strong. I remember the person who had gotten the acid was the guy who was paranoid for the whole trip. He kept telling me to not look in the mirror. For some reason I was SO tempted to, I think because of his constant reminder not to. I went into the bathroom to 'pee' and just stared at my reflection for a long time. It was melting and I thought it was so great. I eventually went back into the living room and layed on the couch. There was a painting of an Indian woman above me and I stared at it for a long time. I remember thinking that that painting was MADE for acid. It was changing colors and at first I thought it was an electric painting haha.

I kept wanting to join into the conversation but I couldn't understand it. It was almost like they were speaking another language that I had taken a short class in. Like I knew key words of what they were saying but not enough to make up even a sentence of it. I felt a little excluded but my mind was so confused and jumbled that I couldn't focus on my feelings for long.
I felt a little excluded but my mind was so confused and jumbled that I couldn't focus on my feelings for long.
I do remember feeling that all of my friends looked very happy and revived though, and that I looked very scary and abnormal in comparison. I eventually walked to the mirror in the living room and stared at myself. In between my eyes on my nose my skin was swirling and everything else on my face was melting. I kept laughing at it, and eventually felt like I could not stop laughing.

It seemed harmless but I started to get a very weird vibe. The trip was about half way done with but it had been so long already. I decided to tell a very close friend about what I was doing because I felt very guilty for excluding him. He got angry with me and my trip spiraled. My weird vibe, along with barely being able to talk and understand what my friends were saying, my friend getting mad at me, and my friend who was there on it with us and paranoid had all caught up with me and I started to cry. I eventually calmed down. As soon as I was calmed down, my friend who had initially invited me said she was going to go to her boyfriend's house and stay the night. She was leaving me all alone on a drug I had never done before in her house, with her not-approving mother who was to be arriving home at any minute. This made me cry again and I begged her to stay but she left. The girl she left me with was also on the drug but I was getting a weird vibe around her. I felt like she was out to get me and that she was a demon.

I was now able to speak again but ignored the girl at all costs due to the weird feeling. Everything that had happened next was a blur. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, looking around, and realizing that I was still tripping. I barely had gotten any sleep.

Since then I had very hard times whenever I wanted to smoke. Whenever I got high I got the 'bad vibe' feeling. Certain noises would give me the 'vibe' and certain places. I have dreams involving acid and it really had gotten out of hand for a while. Although I think I'm over it now I had insomnia for a long time afterwards too. It's been almost a year and I get the 'vibe' whenever I'm alone, or talk about the experience. To be honest I have the vibe now.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102079
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 18, 2016Views: 1,591
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NBOMe Series (539), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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