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Strong Feelings of Euphoria and Empathy
Citation:   Foogie Howitzer M.D.. "Strong Feelings of Euphoria and Empathy: An Experience with 5-MAPB (exp102200)". May 9, 2018.

100 mg oral 5-MAPB (capsule)
My Experiment with 5-MAPD [sic]

Ordered my 1g sample from -----------. Arrived in record time- good stealth and complete with MSDS. As I noticed online, this chemical has very little documented findings due to it being a recently manufactured RC.

My baseline expectation was somewhere between methylone and MDMA for effects. My concern was possible overdosage and ROA needed to be that would be common to both similar chemicals for composite analysis.

Male, 170lbs, 68'.
0:00- Administered 100 mg orally in capsule with a 8oz glass of water.
0:30- Initial effects observed in 30min. Lightheaded; slight euphoria, increased heart rate and blood pressure. Come up is very slow, akin to MDMA in this regard.
1:30- Most pronounced effects observed- strong feelings of euphoria and empathy. Vision nystagmus is present, sensitivity to light and music. Subject is enjoying the experience.
3:00- Slowly returned to baseline without an interest in dosing again.

In summary, this chemical has very interesting properties and may have more pronounced effects if administered at larger doses. It is subsequently very different in its effects compared to MDMA and Methylone but I would not conclude accurately that (at this dose) it would be a definite replacement for either chemical for experimentation.

Scooby Doo

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102200
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: May 9, 2018Views: 4,363
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5-MAPB (624) : Unknown Context (20), First Times (2)

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