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Orally It's One Trippy Cat
Citation:   Blackmoon. "Orally It's One Trippy Cat: An Experience with Ketamine (exp102400)". Oct 2, 2015.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine  
  1 g oral Ketamine (liquid)
    repeated oral Ketamine  
It was a quiet weekend of doing ketamine with my friend for the last few days. (I had a bunch of money to spend and Ket sounded like a good choice.)

Though we'd been insufflating it originally, I tried a small dose (.5 to 1 gram) of ketamine, orally, shortly before this experience, and really liked the experience so I decided to bump it up a notch or two. (or 5)

The setting was my friend's home, with little, moody lighting and a computer hooked up to good speakers and a large widescreen monitor.

We'd been watching random movies (mostly post-apocalyptic, so much fun on ketamine) for the last few days while we were tripping, as well as some anime, which was the actual setting I'd chosen for this trip.

We'd been chilling and listening to music before the trip idea occurred, getting a mood going, then I went to the store to buy a liter of orange juice to mix my little alchemy up.

By now, I was in a really good mood and feeling really 'down', if you know what I mean. I started by pouring a small amount, maybe a gram or so, in a glass of orange juice, well stirred, which I promptly drank in one shot on a whim, feeling invincible, and quickly poured myself another drink of OJ with which I was going to mix a lot more ketamine in. To be honest, I'm not even sure of the actual dosage I did anymore, but the total was somewhere between 2 grams and 3.5 grams, likely closer to the latter since the experience turned out to be so intense. (read ahead.)

I don't remember the exact details, but between watching anime and listening to music, the buzz started kicking in rather suddenly. I felt totally dissociated, almost like being in a dreamlike state, and things just started appearing somehow funny and nonsensical.

As the trip progressed, I started being very introspective and detached. The lights were low too, so it started feeling to me like a dream in which I was fully conscious yet unaffected by my surroundings. Watching anime, everything was colourful and vivid; at some point, I completely zoned out into my own bubble only to wake in the hospital, handcuffed to a bed, as my friend had called the ambulance because I was apparently really out of it and feeling sick.

Except in my trip, I never for one second lost consciousness. I was fully aware of my trip and my experience, so how I ended up 'waking up' in a hospital while never having lost consciousness for a moment remains a mystery to me to this date.

It has now been almost a year since this happened, and I can still recall how with the setting I was just in a dreamlike state, exploring my thoughts and thought process. How the anime somehow turned into me feeling like I was honestly in Japan, with the room I was in shifting, turning into tatamis and quiet space -- for a moment, I even felt like I was in actual space. Floating around in a bubble of inner peace and quietness. A truly wonderful and unique experience, incomparable to anything I'd done before (out of about 50 different trips so far in my life.). Everything was just pure consciousness and tranquility.

I guess to this day that my brain just couldn't process how I would end up in a room in Japan from my friend's home, and started shifting around my mindscape into a hospital setting. I slowly started hearing beeps, fan noises and other typical hospital noise, and as the whole 'space'/Japan trip started fading out, I started being aware of bright lights - fluorescent lighting, as it seemed to be, and of being in a room somewhere.

I think other than apparently losing consciousness without so doing, the creepiest thing was that there was a 'Space Labs' kind of sticker stuck on the hospital device that I was hooked up to when I woke up. I still don't understand how all the connections worked out in such an intricate and interesting way, but it remains to this date my most intense and deeply psychedelic experience with any drugs.

I will be attempting this again sometime soon, though in lower doses to begin with before I start a full trip again. I'm a little uncertain about the possible outcomes, so I'll have to experiment with it a bit slowly first.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102400
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 2, 2015Views: 10,042
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Ketamine (31) : Overdose (29), Multi-Day Experience (13), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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