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Warning to the Wise
Citation:   Dr.Narcis. "Warning to the Wise: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp102478)". Erowid.org. Jan 2, 2016. erowid.org/exp/102478

40 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
40mg insufflated at around 8AM. Now I'm a relatively big guy and have tried many substances, always finding myself to be tolerant so thought nothing of taking such a large line. I had also heard that it was 4x weaker than (adderal) so figured it'd be fine. WHAT A MISTAKE!

After approx 5min experienced euphoria and energy boost. Prepared for work as usual and found myself mentally making lots of plans for that evening, which was a Friday.

After approx 20-30mins noticeable drop in euphoria, although I anticipated this and so was only mildly disappointed. Energy levels still up and feeling pretty normal otherwise.

Around 2-3 hrs after having arrived at work I realised what a mistake it had been to have taken this stuff and come in. Couldn't concentrate on any one task, or anything a single person was saying to me. I found myself talking really softly, and feeling very awkward and unconfident in what I was doing and saying.

At this point I knew there was something seriously wrong but figured I could ride it out
I knew there was something seriously wrong but figured I could ride it out
if I kept my head down. However, after being forced to answer to a colleague's question and responding with an unintelligible babble I realised that this was serious and that I had to get home before anyone realised I had been transformed into a blithering idiot! I literally walked out as all of a sudden I found myself so low in confidence that simple eye contact made me feel uncomfortable, and I wasn't capable of facing the manager let alone convincing him my reasons for leaving were valid. Reaching my home at 3PM I threw off my clothing and curled up in bed. Here I spent the next 8hrs in bed lacking any motivation. Even changing the channel by remote was a task I KID YOU NOT! My coordination was completely hampered not in the same way as I've had with marijuana or even acid but in a much more worrying way. I literally lacked THE WILLPOWER to tell my fingers to press the button enough times to reach a channel. TV seemed boring, music was loud and agitating, I was a complete suicide case. I now knew what depression must be like as this drug had taken my love for life.

Even after taking 100mg of Diphenhyramine (twice my normal dose) sleep was elusive, and I awoke on average after every 1.5 hr period. Totally pissing off my poor girlfriend who I dared not tell what I had stupidly taken that morning. In short despite my high dose I would NEVER TAKE OR ADVISE ANYONE TRY THIS SUBSTANCE AGAIN. I have not gone through every minute detail of my experience but trust me when I say that other than a VERY scary acid trip when I was 16 I have never experienced anything that horrid EVER.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 2, 2016Views: 3,480
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Ethylphenidate (563) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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