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Tea (smoked)
Citation:   William. "Energized: An Experience with Tea (smoked) (exp102510)". Jul 1, 2016.

  smoked Tea (dried)
T-0:00 Me and a friend decide to try smoking tea to see the effects of it. We each roll an approximately 2-inch joint, go outside and start smoking.

T-0:15 We each finish our joints at roughly the same time. The smoke was pretty harsh, if we ever decide to do this again, we will probably use a water bong.

T-0:25 Nothing really happening yet, we are starting to feel that this was a waste of time.

T-0:30 Scratch that 'waste of time' thing, we are starting to feel effects. I am feeling energized, most likely due to the caffeine in the tea, there is also a very slight buzz, but this doesn't last long. My friend said he was feeling very lax, it should be noted that he has never smoked before and his effects are most likely placebo. I on the other hand have had a mild amount of experience with other substances and had no ideas of what tea would do, hopefully eliminating and placebo on my side of things.

T-1:00 I am still feeling a bit energized, so I go outside for a run, it is about 2 or 3 in the morning, but I am not impaired in any way. My friend seems like he just smoked some weird weed or something, almost definitely placebo.

T-1:15 I return from my run, most of the extra energy is gone. There is still the faintest trace of the energy though. My friend is no longer acting high.

T-1:30 All the extra energy seems to be gone, my friend is just watching TV, all his 'effects' gone as well.

Conclusion: It was a very nice boost of energy. It is not a very strong substance since my friend's placebo was able to override the energy.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102510
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Jul 1, 2016Views: 3,559
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Tea (447) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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