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Mushrooms (P. cubensis smoked)
Citation:   Venaseph. "Teashrooms: An Experience with Mushrooms (P. cubensis smoked) (exp10263)". Oct 29, 2001.

0.125 oz smoked Mushrooms - P. cubensis
I have been utilizing shrooms for ritual purposes for sometime now and had, until recently avoided smoking them due to the numerous writings and rants from others that consuming them in that manner was a waste at best. My chosen method of ingestion is usually the tea variety since it's easier to manage on my stomach and also to incorporate into the ritual itself. recently, after reading much a.o.spare writings and also revisiting a wonderful book 'Plants of the Gods' (highly recomended if your interested in the cultural/spiritual use of the flora around us) and I had decided that I would finally break down and try the smoking method.

After smoking nearly an 1/8th of shrooms before the ritual work I had planned (tasted remeniscent of dmt in enjoyment) I experience a feeling of elation, but not much else. So, for all of you out there considering smoking this wonderfully useful and benifical plant, I would stick to a oral method, the effects are more benefical from my view and also more worth the money involved in aquiring them.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10263
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2001Views: 15,718
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Alone (16)

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