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A Lovely Relaxed Day
Citation:   cricket. "A Lovely Relaxed Day: An Experience with Gabapentin (exp102658)". Dec 14, 2013.

2 cups oral Coffee
  300 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin
0630 Woke up to a normal day, got the kids ready for school, and out the door.
0700 2 cups of regular coffee.
0900 Took 300 mg of neurontin. This is the 2nd 300 mg dose I have ever taken. My doctor just started me on it yesterday, with warnings not to drive, etc, as you never know how it will affect you.
1000 Ate 2 small muffins.

1030 Felt more relaxed than I've felt in 2 years. Seriously. Felt this immense love for all things close. Music (Chopin) was weaving beautiful tapestries made just for me to hear/view. (When I say view, I guess I mean 'in my mind'. I wasn't having hallucinations.) I spent 30 minutes.....(was it 30, who knows, who cares, what is time anyway??? Why is everyone in such a damn hurry? -that is how I was feeling
Why is everyone in such a damn hurry? -that is how I was feeling
) doing my morning stretching. Felt so grateful that I get to do this.
Went about household chores in a normal manner, slightly distracted, but happy. Took a HOT bath with many candles and classical music in background. It was awesome. I don't know any other word to use. I haven't done that-with the candles and music-in years! I felt more relaxed and comfortable with myself than I have in years.

1355 I think it is wearing off a bit. The 'blanket of comfort' the neurontin seems to afford is getting slightly worn. I don't think I would take this stuff if not prescribed for me.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102658
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Dec 14, 2013Views: 1,609
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : Glowing Experiences (4), Medical Use (47), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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