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I Finished Off the Bottle of Vodka
Etizolam & Alcohol
Citation:   tizwinz. "I Finished Off the Bottle of Vodka: An Experience with Etizolam & Alcohol (exp102758)". Apr 30, 2017.

8 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
    oral Alcohol - Hard  
First Timer With Etizolam

I purchased some Etizolam (in blister pack). Saturday around 2pm I take two 1mg pills. I start feeling kind of light headed, but good.

At some point I black out and wake up at what I thought was Sunday at 5pm, but it was 5am. I checked the blister pack and found that I'd taken another six 1mg pills, so 8mg total. Plus I finished off the bottle of vodka that was in the fridge, maybe only 2oz left. I also managed to email my boss several replies to the same email with different responses. Not a fun recreational drug. Just feels like having Alzheimer's.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102758
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Apr 30, 2017Views: 5,608
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