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It's Killed Any Withdrawal
Opium Poppy Seeds & Grapefruit Juice
Citation:   WorkingMan. "It's Killed Any Withdrawal: An Experience with Opium Poppy Seeds & Grapefruit Juice (exp102769)". Feb 13, 2020.

8 oz oral Poppies - Opium (extract)
I have a moderate-to-high tolerance to opiate pills. Recently ran out. Decided to finally try making this 'tea' that people talk about. Note: I was cautious because of these stories of people OD'ing.

Materials: 1 litre empty bottle. One bottle of Ocean Spray Pink Grapefruit juice. One 8 oz. bag of 'organic' poppy seeds, from a local health-nut hippie store.

Basically just funneled the dry seeds into the litre bottle. Added enough room temp. water to cover the seeds by 2 inches. Then added 4 -6 oz. of the graprefruit juice. Close bottle lid and shook. I don't like shaking bottles for minutes on-end, so I'd shake hard for several seconds, stop and re-shake. Over a period of 10 minutes.

Poured the yellow-brownish liquid onto a 12 oz. cup. Using the bottle cap as a strainer. (quite a few seeds still got through into my cup.) -- Drank the first 12 oz. cup fairly quickly -- I LIKE the taste, even though it's bitter.

In about 10 minutes I definitely felt relaxed. Like a good anxiolytic took hold of me. Not strong opiate euphoria though. Went back to my half-strained bottle, added a touch more water, and reshook the soaked seeds again. Poured another cup. Note: liquid still same color.

Drank this 2nd cup, but more slowly - just to be cautious.

Now here it is, 1 hour later. I feel pleasantly relaxed. Slightly elevated mood. But I definitely don't feel like I'm OD'ing!! Feel like making more. Maybe tomorrow, with a whole pound this time.

Bottom line: it's killed any withdrawal I had from the lack of pills. I feel relaxed, tummy is warm and I don't feel like moving my arms much! Eyes starting to feel heavy. But, no, I'm not exactly nodding with drool coming out of mouth.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102769
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 49
Published: Feb 13, 2020Views: 1,932
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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