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by KW
Citation:   KW. "Delirium: An Experience with Gabapentin (exp102823)". May 25, 2018.

4800 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin
Gabapentin Delirium

I had just come off of Zyprexa and I was feeling rather bored and anxious and I needed something. I had a large bottle of Gabapentin to take for anxiety. The Gabapentin was prescribed to me as a substitute for benzodiazepines since I had been abusing them and was out of control. Gabapentin is not that effective as an anxiolytic. It comes on strong at first, then I rapidly build a tolerance. I had been taking 600mg a day for over 1 month and I hardly noticed the effect at this point.

So, I was feeling bad and I needed some sort of anxiolytic (a brain blanket as they call it). I took 4800mg in one go, and noticed nothing for over 1 hour.

Slowly I noticed that physical motion was more interesting, moving my arms and legs in slow voluptuous-feeling circles. I felt softly dizzy, and I had trouble with visual accommodation.
I felt softly dizzy, and I had trouble with visual accommodation.
I stood up slowly and tried to walk to the bathroom (I needed to pee). Walking out of the room was difficult. As I walked, my knees felt like jello and I kept turning to the right, bumping into objects and fighting the feeling that I was going to fall down. Walking over a carpet was treacherous since I tripped over the edge and my feet scuffed at the carpet. At this point I was feeling fine if a bit disoriented.

The bathroom was a problem. I kept bumping into things. When I tried to pee, I found that I couldn't actually do it, even though my bladder felt like it was going to explode. Eventually I gave up and went back into my bedroom. I fell asleep very quickly and slept deeply and without dreaming. I woke up in the morning, expecting the effects of the Gabapentin to have gone away, but the very same effects were still there. I had trouble hiding my discombobulation from my housemates, and went bumbling into the kitchen to look for food. I sat down at the computer, and after some time I felt as though the effects had dissipated somewhat. After noon I hardly noticed anything, but felt a yearning for the Gabapentin effects. Too bad, I had to go out that day, and couldn't take another large dose. So that is my tale.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102823
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: May 25, 2018Views: 4,500
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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