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Simple and Fair Analysis
by SYA
Citation:   SYA. "Simple and Fair Analysis: An Experience with Etizolam (exp102889)". Erowid.org. Mar 8, 2019. erowid.org/exp/102889

In the CNS Depressant dept., I have had experience with: clonazepam, alprozolam, phenazepam, diazepam.

Etizolam at 0.5 mg to 1mg creates a general calming, anxiolytic effects. Helps to shut down overstimulated minds for insomnia or used as a 'off switch' for other scenarios.

2mg sets me into a deeper, hypnotic, dreamlike, yet coherent state.

By 3mg,I am borderline staggering around, in a dreamlike state, ready to flop on a bed, only to wake up the next day.

Going overboard can lead to many complications, similar to those reports for others in its categories. A 'Complete' loss of inhibitions is never a good thing for me but can be achieved with said substance if I don't use responsibly.

Of course, tolerance, body weight, and sensitivity to the drug at hand are all subject to vary by user.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102889
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Mar 8, 2019Views: 1,289
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Etizolam (568) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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