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Lagochilus inebrians
Citation:   theobromus. "Bozulbang: An Experience with Lagochilus inebrians (exp102951)". Oct 8, 2015.

4 g oral Lagochilus inebrians (tea)
I finally got round to buying some of this herb from a reliable mail order vendor in the Netherlands after wanting to try it for 30 years. The appearance of the calyces was about right but there are several related species so I can't say for sure it was the famous species. The herb consisted mainly of flower calyces with just a few leaves and stems. The calyces had 1-2mm spines on the points. Some were buds, some had flowers and many had seeds.

I poured 500ml of boiling water on 4g of the herb and left it for 30 minutes to soak in a covered pyrex jug before liquidising (blending in American) it for two minutes in a powerful liquidiser. Immediately put in a small stainless steel saucepan and brought back to the boil. Left for one minute to settle off the heat. Decanted carefully off the sunken fibrous bits through a tea strainer. My theory was that, as lagochilin and its acetates are not terribly soluble in water, I would make a suspension of them. There is an implication of this as an early description of the preparation of the infusion included the Latin word 'trita' meaning 'minced'.

19.40 Started drinking as the liquid had lowered to drinkable temperature. Stomach was empty, at least 3 hours since last meal. Very bitter but manageable.

20.10 I did not add sugar but after finishing the drink over half an hour I ate four slices of rye bread with raisins in it. This cleared the bitterness from my mouth.

20.30 Noticeable effects, relaxed body with exhilaration of the mind. Quite giggly, I remain giggly for the next 23 hours, especially when I say the word 'Bozulbang' out loud.

21.00 - 02.00 Very euphoric with definite body stone like some forms of cannabis. Music delightful, television very engaging whether documentary on fossils or The Tomorrow People. With closed eyes I saw moving colours in 3 dimensions but more obviously, I was engaged with them. The same with music and TV, I was involved, no barriers between me and the world. Moving and even vigorous exercise is easy. Very sensual.

Appetite a little less than usual but still easy to eat a substantial meal.

02.00 Slept well.

06.30 Woke, unable to sleep again, Still buzzing with exhilarating energy, though relaxed in body. Effects tapered off over the course of the day. Did lots of housework and got stuff done.

The day after the day after I am exhausted and grumpy. Perhaps a little less next time.

From an Uzbek dictionary I found online, Bozulbang means 'wild (uncultivated) cannabis' and Bangi-diwana means 'crazy cannabis'. I am unsurprised by these names, this herb can be a powerful inebriant if prepared properly.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102951
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Oct 8, 2015Views: 5,589
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