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A Wild Night Out or So They Say
2C-B, Alcohol - Hard, & Alprazolam
Citation:   Xandahx. "A Wild Night Out or So They Say: An Experience with 2C-B, Alcohol - Hard, & Alprazolam (exp103007)". May 29, 2018.

32 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 tablet oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
  4 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  1 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  2 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  2 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)

I started off my night at a pub, drank 2 pints of Cider with some friends, later I phoned up a guy about a dog.

Picked up one 2C-B pill and 3 Xanax for £10, pretty good deal!

Dropped the 2-CB (sic) as soon as I left his house

later I went out to another club and had a few more drinks, 2 doubles - Rum & Coke, the 2-CB (sic) started hitting and I felt trippy but also a bit dodgy so I dropped one Xanax a little while after going to the Kebab shop for a can of Tango, had to withdraw some money for a couple more drinks!

I returned to the bar where my friends were, felt amazing at this point so I thought I'd get another rum & coke, decided to double drop the other Xanax seeing as I wasn't really going to be using them at a later point, the 2-CB (sic) had me really trippy so I was hoping they'd help me out a bit.

Basically after entering the next Club I must've had a blackout or delirium, I don't remember much of what happened after I double dropped the 2 Xanax I had left.

I've been told by friends I was in a bad state, struggling to walk but apparently having a great time, more talkative and fun than usual.

Things I was told;
-Had to be escorted to the bank twice to withdraw £40 each time

-Tried to sit in the middle of a road to take a 'selfie'

-Told the girl who escorted me to the bank that she was gorgeous and kissed her

-Main Points-

-Can't remember where the £80 has gone

-Had a brilliant time but only after I took the 2-CB (sic), one Xanax and a couple of doubles

-Didn't die! Woohoo!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103007
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 29, 2018Views: 1,512
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2C-B (52), Alcohol - Hard (198), Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Club / Bar (25), Combinations (3), General (1)

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