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To Determine the Oral Activity
Acacia confusa
Citation:   Tunguska. "To Determine the Oral Activity: An Experience with Acacia confusa (exp103149)". May 6, 2018.

3 Tbsp oral Acacia confusa (rootbark)
Acacia Confusa and Its Oral Activity


In order to expound on the psychoactivity of Acacia confusa, an experiment was conducted to determine the oral activity of its root bark without any additives.


Boiled 3 tbsp of shredded Acacia confusa root bark in 2 cups of water with a squirt of lime juice for 15 minutes. Then collected the water and boiled the bark in another cup of fresh water for 25 minutes with another squirt of lime juice. The next extract was combined with the first and boiled down into ¾ cup. Then let cooled.


0:00 The brew was consumed on a near empty stomach. Very bitter tasting, although not as bad as ayahuascha.
0:03 Slight body chills.
0:08 Lethargy/moderate physical high began to set in.
0:14 Mind is easily transfixed on inanimate objects. Mental high begins. Nausea begins registering.
0:23 Attempt to vomit. Cannot.
0:27 Peripheral visual hallucinations and abstract thoughts are apparent.
0:35 Feel physically exhausted yet mentally clear and awake.
0:54 High is dissipating. Coming down.
1:15 Completely sober. Begin typing report.


The root bark of Acacia confusa was indeed mildly psychoactive. Overall its induced effects were similar to a moderate Cannabis high, albeit with nausea. However, it was not (when taken by itself) a psychedelic.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103149
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 6, 2018Views: 2,321
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Acacia confusa (664) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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