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It's a Life Saver
Citation:   mrs. heroin junky. "It's a Life Saver: An Experience with Kratom (exp103166)". Jan 22, 2020.

10 g oral Kratom
A LITTLE BIT OF MY LIFE: I'm from wv usa. I'm 23 years old and I have a two yr old daughter. Shes my world. I grew up with a complicated life. My mother beat on me, my dad was always working in the coal mines, my mom was an addict and cheated on my dad alot. When I was a child she would drop me off at a babysitter and leave me there for weeks. Till this day I cant stand her but we get along because I'm an adult now. I was always a good girl growing up but I was also very gullable and naive. But I also had a bad temper. I started getting in fights, skipping school, snuck out of my house, I didnt graduate high school because I beat up a classmate for picking on me. Her eyebrow was hanging off and I got expelled. She pressed charges and I was put on probation.

DRUGS: At the age of 13 I started hanging out with some bad kids. I started drinking beer, then it lead to marijuana. At the age of 16 I started drinking heavily, partying, boys, sex, ect. Then I started doing pills (opiates). I've done benzos but I never liked the feeling of not being in control of the high. I've never tripped but I've done extacy and salvia (if that counts lol).

Then from then on I was an addict to pain pills (hydros, perks, oxys). At age 19 I did heroin. I snorted it and I liked it because it felt like pain pills but it was cheaper. Then I was introduced to the needle. That was it. I thought I found the love of my life. So I started working at the strip club making good money. My daughter was staying with my dad because I wasn't doing well. My babys dad left me. So I was alone. Then I met up with an old friend at the club who is now my boyfriend going on three years now. He was also a heroin junky. We continued that miserable everyday struggle I was strippn everyday to support both our habbits. (He didnt have a job.) There were nights the club was slow and I came home with nothing. We were so sick I hated life I had to change it. There were hookers, gangsters, dope boys ect. In and out of my place for a while selling dope doing dope.

Then my house got raided. I wasn't there but when I came home I seen all the police cars. Some people were busted and went to prison. a year later I had a beating on my door (in a new house by that time) and it was the marshalls. They arrested me because the house was in my name that was busted. I was takn in front of a judge and I had a court date set. A few days later I was arrested again from a previous apartment I was at and they claimed I sold a cop drugs. (I know I didn't) but if I took it to trial they wouldv gave me a harsher sentence. I had my sentencing I'm obviously not in jail but I am on house arrest and probation for a while. So after I was arrested I started going to the methadone clinic because If I kept using I'd be in jail by now.

KRATOM: I didn't realize the judge didn't like methadone clinics. I was on it for eight months untill my sentencing and no matter what mg I was on she gave me only thirty days to be off. I am now five days clean from the clinic and I had some excrutiating pains, irritable, hot, cold, hateful. Just like heroin wds but worse and lasts much longer. I had to figure something out to make the pain go away LEGALLY! I did some research and I came across kratom. I heard some good things so I tried it. It came in the mail this morning (bali) and all of the wds are completely gone! I'm not high but I'm very relaxed.

I'm still pretty depressed over the fact I'm on house arrest and then three years probation. I feel like my life is being controlled. But it helps so much that kratom exists! It may be a good thing this all happend or I'd still be on heroin and maybe even dead. Of course I still have cravings but that is the bad part..its going to be that way for the rest of my life. But all I have to do is look at my baby girl and it makes me stronger every time.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103166
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 22, 2020Views: 988
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