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the Next Day I Felt Spaced Out Big Time
MDMA, Cannabis & Beer
by Box
Citation:   Box. "the Next Day I Felt Spaced Out Big Time: An Experience with MDMA, Cannabis & Beer (exp103343)". Jun 14, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:40 133 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 1:30 133 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:15 133 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00 266 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:00 133 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
A Night in With MDMA

A bit of background - I've been smoking cannabis for over a decade, usually a couple of smokes a day just to chill out and I've dabbled with a few others ie coke (not keen, too expensive and potency varies greatly), ecstacy (nice but again potency can vary and come downs can be awful), MDMA (my opinion the ultimate in what a drug should do/be like).

I hadn't indulged in any drugs (other than weed but I don't class that as a drug) for about 3 years so when a friend said they had some pure MDMA I thought 'why not... its been a long time since I've been trollied' so went round and bought a gram (0.8g) of the slightly brown-ish crystals which I recognised as pure from a previous experience a few years back, and made my way home eagerly anticipating the evening that was to come.

T - 5:00pm. Crushed the MDMA down to finer crystals with the side of an aerosol can and pulled out 6 zigzags to wrap up my little parcels of joy, not measuring with any degree of accuracy just eye-balling it and wrapping them up.

T - 5:15pm. Made 3 joints of lemon haze for my trip to the beer shop and grabbed a 'MDMA bomb' I had prepared for on the way (which I chickened out on because I was driving and thought better of it).

T - 5:55pm. Home slightly stoned from the schmokes and ready for my bomb, cracked open a beer, took a slurp and dropped bomb number one. Started up my xbox and had a blast around the Nurburgring for a bit. After about half an hour I started with the stretches (something I do when coming up) so figured the night was beginning so I decided to turn the game off and stick on some music. I had a flick through my collection of stuff and decided on Norah Jones, her laid back style with her velvet voice seemed ideal for the experience, so I stuck her second album on and kicked back.

T- 6:45pm. Had a brainwave... xbox displays some great colourful visuals on the telly when I put a CD in so in went the disc and I kicked back once again. Yet another brainwave 'drop another' so I reached for another bomb and took a slurp and down it went. Starting to feel slight euphoria now and feeling really relaxed and enjoying the sound of Ms Jones voice teamed with the rolling visuals on screen. Nice.

T - 7:30pm. Really starting to feel the effects coming on now, got slight sweaty palms, a nice warm feeling all over and a euphoric feeling that has been absent from my life for a long time. The music is awesome which probably helps with the general feeling of well-being (never been the clubbing type, prefer to be in control of my enviroment when experimenting, also I'm pretty anti-social and like being alone) so I went with it and me being me, dropped another bomb.

T- 8:20pm. Well and truly in the amazing grip of the MDMA, the visuals on the telly are becoming a little warped, almost 3D, and the music sounds as if Norah is sat on my bed giving me my own personal concert... life is peachy. I recline my chair all the way back and shut my eyes to submerse myself in the music and there are some pretty nice colours going on, not forming shapes or owt just waves of colour flowing across the inside of my eye lids. I open them from time to time and they briefly flick across my walls then I look at the telly and rolling visuals of colours and patterns... wow, its like I'm above a tornado of colours and I'm slowly being drawn down into it.

T- 9:?pm. In this euphoric state I get up to change disc, this time Norahs 3rd album, legs are a bit wobbly but nowt I can't handle, sit back down and in my infinate wisdom slurp the last of my first can and drop 2 bombs thinking it can only get better and start the CD. As the rolling visuals start I realise I'm actually tripping (note at this point I have only 1 bomb left out of 6 and I started with 0.8g), the colours and shapes are now morphing from faces I can't quite make out to magical looking landscapes and I'm loving it. Feel really warm, relaxed and content with myself even tho the visuals and tripping out have come as a suprise, everythng is going nice, I feel floaty light and enjoying the moment when boom... the double dose hits me and I'm off my face, the tv has turned into this realm of shapes, scenes and faces (at one point I thought my face was circling the screen and was convinced that my xbox was recording me). As I enjoyed the euphoria and feeling of awesomeness I laid back and just went with the music which seemed so much clearer and the vocals smooth and almost sang just for me, I was in heaven.

T- 11:?pm. Last bomb down the hatch because I reasoned with myself that it wasn't worth saving and would add to the experience, what more I was expecting to get from this I don't know but I've always been the greedy type when it comes to getting wasted
I've always been the greedy type when it comes to getting wasted
, so I went with it and continued to immerse myself in the music and visuals. It wasn't long after the last bomb, the full 0.8g had been ingested, that the visuals started to take a more sinister appearance. Even tho the music was chilling and I felt on top of the world I noticed I was boiling hot and sweating mildly so I took off my hoodie and went back to the visuals, the rolling colours were still there but now the faces that were appearing I can only describe as those of demons and gargoils, like the stone carving you find decorating the outside of some churches, which wasn't unnerving just slightly odd so I switched from the xbox/tv combo back to the hi-fi and my head phones and laid down on my bed. When I got up to get a drink of beer my back was soaked in sweat and I had a rather strange 'hollow' feeling in my chest but none of that concerned me in my state, I was off my rocker and gave zero fucks.

T - 1:?am. Starting to feel tired so turned off the music and went for a quick wash, the warm water felt amazing yet when I got into bed I got the chills something rotten but wrapped myself up and closed my eyes. There were all sorts of visuals going mostly reds, oranges and greens that would come and go and can only be described as the images of galaxies or when a star/planet explodes, nice and relaxing. Sleep comes and goes... I think.

All in all it was an awesome night in on my own with my little parcels of joy and some great music, the only downside was around 3am I must have gotten up to pee, and boy did I pee, about ten/fifteen times in an hour and the next day I felt spaced out big time, even after eating and a schmoke I still didn't feel right and the following day was the same only slightly less spacey and I had to go to work.

It takes a day or two to get back to feeling normal.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103343
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jun 14, 2021Views: 533
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MDMA (3) : Music Discussion (22), General (1), Alone (16)

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