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TMA-6 Vaped to Good Effect
Citation:   Borax. "TMA-6 Vaped to Good Effect: An Experience with TMA-6 (exp103501)". Nov 14, 2014.

26 mg vaporized TMA-6 (powder / crystals)
This report was written at the exact times noted, during the trip. I have edited it minimally.

13:12 - 26mg dissolved in 2ml vodka measured into bulb vape. It is poorly soluble. Upon heating it dissolves, and something precipitates as the alcohol is lost.
13:13 - There is an estimated 5mg of insoluble crap
13:21 - the water is challenging to remove, but soon goes. The vapour is not particularly unpleasant
13:45 - Larger hits are a bit harder. I vape everything and reach about 4/10, lower than I thought. Music sounds better but there is no mood lift.
13:47 - ~7mg more
13:53 - I decide I don't really like it and find myself wishing I hadn't bothered. My vision is almost 'cloudy' it is hard to describe.
13:54 - There is still only minimal visual distortion.
14:07 - I empty my bowels. My stomach seems unimpressed
14:11 - I read Shulgin's report and enter a much more positive frame of mind. He seemed to enjoy it and so will I.
14:31 - I feel quite cold and a little nauseous but am enjoying music
14:42 - Still a little nausea, pleasant energy and happiness though.
14:48 - I decide to eat something.
14:56 - I occasionally get tingles travelling down my body. Very pleasant.
15:08 - I finish eating. It hasn't helped but hasn't made things worse.
15:39 - Moving around seems to have helped. Music appreciation is high and I certainly wish I'd bitten the bullet and had some more.
15:48 - I take stock of how I feel and decide I've come down quite a bit, probably only a 4 where before I was actually at a 5 or 6, which was masked by a lack of visuals.
17:12 - I go out to collect a discarded bike, thoroughly enjoying myself with my mp3 player and likely looking quite suspicious. I get in and realise I am still tripping only a little less than when I left.
18:15 - Still going strong. Maybe some tail off but it's hard to tell. Not much if any.
19:38 - I go for a bike ride. Upon returning, I still feel about the same level.
20:42 - Down to a 3/10 perhaps. No more than a + but it would still prevent sleep. I put up a TV stand etc with little difficulty and have no problem hiding my tripping.
22:07 - I have to sleep soon and I am still a solid 2/10
22:27 - Knowing I will be unable to sleep without assistance, I have some weed.
22:45 - Quite stoned now. I have mild but colourful visuals


Clearly this route of administration is effective, even without basifying; giving a more manageable duration probably approaching 11 hours. I am not usually affected by body load and nausea much but on the two occasions I have done TMA-6 (the other orally) it has been one of my worst substances for it. This and the otherwise un-extraordinary effects and long duration mean that I would pick any number of other psychedelics over TMA-6.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103501
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2014Views: 3,866
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TMA-6 (270) : Alone (16), General (1)

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