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I Didn't Know I Was Essentially Tripping
Cannabis, Amphetamines & Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   California Dweller. "I Didn't Know I Was Essentially Tripping: An Experience with Cannabis, Amphetamines & Sleep Deprivation (exp103602)". Jan 4, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
    oral Amphetamines (daily)
  1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
One evening, shortly after having been prescribed Adderall for supposed ADHD, I ate a pot brownie. I'm a medical Cannabis patient in California with a legitimate card. I'd been told by the supplier to only eat half, but I forgot that part. I was hungry and tired. I'd been unable to sleep for a few nights due to the Adderall, so I'd been awake for two or three days by the time I ate the brownie. I'd also been unable to eat for a few days due to the Adderall.

After eating the entire brownie, I was sitting at my computer surfing the internet. I began to feel very strange, and felt a compulsion to start describing how I felt in a text document. (Alas, it seems that I didn't save the file.) I recall being aware that I had two distinct verbal trains of thought, and that I could listen to both at the same time. I didn't know I was essentially tripping; I was too far gone to remember reality.

I didn't expect to have this trip. I'd only eaten a brownie, and because I am a daily pot smoker, didn't expect anything out of the ordinary.
I didn't expect to have this trip. I'd only eaten a brownie, and because I am a daily pot smoker, didn't expect anything out of the ordinary.
Thus, I wasn't waiting for a high or trip to come on, it just came, and I entered it without awareness.

After what might have been an hour of frantic typing, I relaxed into a condition in which I was still at my desk, but not typing. I said 'wow' repeatedly, like a stereotypic hippie from the 1960s. I was feeling wonderful waves of wonderfulness with no specific content--just wonderfulness and a sense of marveling at the wonders of the universe, or somesuch.

I still was unaware that I was tripping, and began to want to go to bed. But I couldn't rouse myself to move. So I sat in my chair enjoying the transportation into a realm of content-free space travel. Eventually I was able to get to bed. In the morning, it came back to me gradually, and I realized I'd had a very strange experience.

I stayed on Adderall for a while, and my doctor even added Ritalin, then switched me to the Daytrana patch. None of it was making me more attentive; I was feeling more and more jittery and dysfunctional by the day, as I was clearly not a candidate for any therapeutic value from these medications.

A month or so later, it all happened again, but far more trippy. During the second trip, I was instant-messaging with a friend, and looked at the transcript the next day. I was madly trying to communicate what I was experiencing as I moved through various forms of consciousness. Sometimes I had to sing my every thought out loud; other times I had to type in a rhythmic staccato. I felt that I could see inside my mind, locating the realm of imagination, the realm of logic, etc. I began to experience visuals, with patterns on fabric starting to swirl and change in interesting ways. This time it lasted a couple of hours.

Overall, it was not unpleasant, but I am not sure it's a good thing to do on purpose. It's uncharted territory.

I mainly wrote this report to let people know that a combination of Cannabis and ADHD medications under the right conditions (lack of sleep and food for a few days while being overdosed with Adderall) led to something very like a real drug trip with LSD or psilocybin.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103602
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 52
Published: Jan 4, 2018Views: 1,777
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Cannabis (1), Sleep Deprivation (140) : Difficult Experiences (5), Medical Use (47), Overdose (29), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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